In this episode (How We Suffered in Business and Then Turned Things Around) we spill the beans and talk about maintaining business through lockdown in or particular order we cover the following points:

what we have been doing in lockdown in order to maintain and grow businesses
what was business like lock before lockdown
how was business done
has / how did that change  -
have parts of your business suffered
what did you do to adapt
how are you  doing business now
contact , communication
tips and strategise we can share with others about business
resources, processes, growth hacks , productivity
how will it be moving forward
what software  have been using
what we have been doing to generate leads
online courses /zoom
remote working
traditional business
sales master for scheduling
ticketing system
evernote as part of my workflow

Marilyn Devonish - International speaker, Author, The NeuroSuccess Coach -

Sifu Lak Loi - JKD Trainer, Author, True White Collar Warrior -

Sukhi Wahiwal - Business Mentor, forbs recognised judge, ted x speaker and Human Behaviour Expert  -

Jatinder Palaha - Digital Busines Coach, Web Revenue Strategist, Author -