In this ¢podcast episode, we talk about staying focused in a digitally noisy world. We explore ways in which we can remain #focused and get things done. In no particular order we cover:

Social media as a distraction 
Chemical addiction 
Why you do what you do online
How to be productive 
FOMO fear of missing out - online courses, social media, the need to be on all platforms
How focusing on one platform/one thing at a time can be the best thing for you 
Business insights, mind both insights and spiritual practice
DFT daily focused the by Sukhi Wahiwala 
Task segmentation  
Martial mind power
Multi-tasking? Or practised process of flipping between tasks but staying focused 
How we are actually making the time for distractions
Aligning your intention to your true higher authentic self 
Social media platform using psychology to keep you on their platforms. Things are designed to keep your attention on their platforms
How human connection keeps you alive the plus side of social media

Marilyn Devonish - International #speaker​, #Author​, The NeuroSuccess Coach -​

Sifu Lak Loi - JKD Trainer, Author, True White Collar Warrior -​

Sukhi Wahiwal - Business #Mentor, International #Speaker and Human Behaviour Expert  -​

Jatinder Palaha - Digital Busines #Consultant, Web Revenue Strategist, Author -