Join me as I interview Ravinder Plahe. In this episode, we talk about how to manage your stress and its effects on your mental health and psychical wellbeing. 

Ravinder has been studying health and nutrition since childhood. He specialises in helping people in their 30’s and 40’s get their health back from chronic diseases and has a special interest in growing younger as we get older.

He has been a qualified Optometrist for just under 20 years, qualified in Nutritional Therapy from the London College of Naturopathic Medicine in London and gone on to study Functional Medicine.

He believes the body is self-healing given the right environment and circumstances and focuses primarily on rebalancing the body’s stress response using  mindset, nutrition and breath.

In this episode we talk about: 

What's going to happen
Stress response   
Chronic stress  
Lack of sleep
How Habits influences your body 
How Diet influences the body 
Effects of sleep 
Work-life balance 
Environmental stress on your senses 
Aura ring and technology 
Sleeping in a dark room   
Sleeping habits influence stress 
12 life areas you can look at to reduce your stress and optimise your health. 

Ravinder Plahe -

Jatinder Palaha -