Today Jeff Byer (@globaljeff) talks about his experiment with workspaces in Chrome Dev Tools, the Shopify universe, upcoming project launches, real-world project issues, and tech talk.

Today Jeff Byer (@globaljeff) talks about his experiment with workspaces in Chrome Dev Tools, the Shopify universe, upcoming project launches, real-world project issues, and tech talk.

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Chrome Dev Tools – Workspaces

Fact Sheet, pdf


Jeff Byer    00:06    Welcome to digital rage, the podcast about all things internet and the people that make it great. My name is Jeff Byer and I know last episode I have promised you guests but uh, that didn’t happen. You know, people are busy, things are happening and uh, you know, just didn’t get around to it. I did have an interview scheduled, we had our <inaudible> in our call  

Jeff Byer    00:30    and there was a misunderstanding. This a, I believe a the person involved was expecting some sort of a uh, you know, get to know ya. Uh, cause I sales call and I was expecting it to be an interview. So a little bit of a miscommunication. But um, anyway, I do have a ton of things to talk about. So this will be an episode full of stuff. I like to say stuff because some of it is crap set of, some of it’s not. So let’s get right into it. First thing is I was playing around and in Chrome and, and the dev tools and just futzing around and came across the workspaces in dev tools and thought, okay, this is interesting. Why would, why would they have a, you know, invite somebody to put their file structure inside of Chrome dev tools if it doesn’t actually make any live, live edits as you go.  

Jeff Byer    01:41    Because as most developers know, whenever you get to a live website and you go into dev tools, you can modify all of the code you want and change the display of, of that website. You know, change the content, anything you want, run experiments, even if it’s not your site but only you can see it. And as soon as you close dev tools or refresh the page, all those edits are gone. And it goes back to the way it is on the live server. And I do use that sometimes to one. If I’m trying to get a screenshot and I want to modify things for the actual screenshot, I’ll go in, remove modules, remove ads and stuff like that. But on my own sites, I use it just to play around and see, you know, if there’s something visually or content wise that I want to accomplish, how fast it would be to make that adjustment and just kind of play around in dev tools before I open up, uh, you know, my editor editing environment and go ahead and go through with the change.  

Jeff Byer    02:45    It also helps me to, to create estimates on what it’s going to take to accomplish certain things requested by my client. So I get into this and I’ve read a couple of articles and I go through the Google tutorial on how to use Chrome tools and the whole time, uh, I’m going through these tutorials and obviously it says, okay, you know, it’s, you’ll be able to save the changes if you use it in, in your local environment and you add your local pho folder for that environment. So I was like, okay, that’s fine, but it, uh, it’s very limited and uh, I didn’t see any way if you are going to use a SAS or any type of, of pre compiler that it just didn’t have a way to really integrate those unless you had another third party script going. So the whole time I’m going through this tutorials, like who the hell would use this?  

Jeff Byer    03:47    It’s just basic. If you had a basic site with no preprocessing prop, pre-processing, no minification and uh, just static something, I don’t even know what, um, that’s what you’d use. So I went down a rabbit hole on that and found myself completely disappointed. So moving on. Um, so today I added another team member to my Shopify partner program. Uh, another developer that’s going to help me launch these two big projects that we’re launching this month. And so the month of November is going to be a huge month here for us. And so we needed to bring on extra help. And the way Shopify partners, the partner system on Shopify works is that if, uh, I’m going to take on a new client that has an existing store, I go find the existing stores, my Shopify address, then I request access to that through my partner portal. And then the owner of that store is able to verify and then, uh, I get, I gain access through the partner portal.  

Jeff Byer    05:05    If the customer just puts in my email address and sends me access, even if it’s the exact same address, it does not, uh, it’s not available in my portal. So it’s, uh, it’s just a little quirky thing. I’m sure there’s plenty of reasons on the back end or privacy issues or security issues or anything like that that, that takes that into account I guess. Because you know, anybody can put in anybody’s email address and then you can accept and, and, but not really have access. I don’t really understand the details of why it’s separate, but it’s separate. So, um, with adding a new team member, um, you know, I take privacy and my accounts very, very seriously, especially when hiring outsourced developers. So I create account specific for them, you know, server accounts, user accounts, things like that. And for this one, um, the developers first request was just to send me the access and what that assumes is that he wanted to log in as me through my account and take a look at everything.  

Jeff Byer    06:20    And that doesn’t really sit with me very well, uh, for plenty of different reasons. Obviously security and, and you know, my, my customers who are, the admins can see my logins. And so if something happens while I’m logged in or near anything, it’s just, I don’t want it on me personally as, as a, you know, possible vulnerability. But the great thing is through the partner program, all of my, all of my accounts are in my partner program and when I log in, it shows that it’s my company that’s locked in, a representative of my company that’s in there doing changes. And that’s much better as far as, uh, my clients are concerned and I’m concerned. So the, the great thing was it the easy way to, there’s an easy way to add people. You just add staff members to your partner portal, then each of those staff members, you can define their access but then they have access to all of your partners sites.  

Jeff Byer    07:24    And this hire today was not for for one specific type but for three of them that are in my partner portal. And so it was very convenient that I just had to get his Shopify email address, the email address that he uses for Shopify and he now has access to uh, to make changes to all of my customer accounts, which is, which is very convenient for me because it’s one single point of access. He can access all of them. Now if something happens or if I don’t like the worker or if I’m just moving on to a different developer, remove him and he wrote it, he doesn’t have any access to them anymore and if he’s going to ask them, access them currently he has to go through my partner portal. So a very cool thing. Uh, just thought that was really interesting cause it’s, it’s kind of backwards from how you access how you grant access to a customer’s store rather than through a partner in, through my company.  

Jeff Byer    08:27    So that was fun. Um, another piece of information, uh, was regarding the, the California consumer consumer privacy act CC P a. So this is coming on January 1st and uh, I’m making sure that all of my, all of my accounts are aware of this and so that they’re prepared and know that it’s coming. And so digging into the fact sheet of the CCPA, the here’s the requirements. So, uh, E not a lot of my customers actually require this, but for the ones that do, I’m just confirming cause I don’t know the ins and outs of everything that they do. Uh, I have web stats and that’s it. I don’t know how the business is run specifically. I don’t know revenue numbers cause they’re mostly private businesses. But here are the, here’s the, the requirements. So businesses are subject to the CCP. A, if one or more of the following, our true has gross Avenue S sorry, I’m having trouble speaking today.  

Jeff Byer    09:47    Let’s try this again. If the following are true, has gross annual revenues in excess of $25 million, um, buys, receives or sells the personal information of 50,000 or more customers, households or devices. So that one’s interesting because when I first skimmed through it and I said, Oh, buy and sells information, that’s, you know, none of my customers do that. But then receives and absolutely all of my customers receive information and checking databases on that information. Is, is only part of what the law entails. This is pretty much everything. So I need to verify that with all my customers because 50,000 consumers on, you know, a site that’s been 10 years old, that’s a pretty easy number to hit. So, uh, even for a small business, so I’m confirming that, uh, all the information that they have is, is w, you know, if it’s over that number or under that number, if it’s over that number, then we have to start looking into being compliant.  

Jeff Byer    11:05    And the last, the last one, which I already kind of hinted to but derives 50% or more of annual revenues from selling consumers’ personal information. So since I don’t deal with companies that sell personal information, uh, not really concerned about that one, but receiving, so the 25 million annual revenue and receiving information of 50,000 or more consumers, those are the two key metrics that I’m interested in, uh, as far as this lobbying applied. So that warning is going out to all of my customers and that, that, you know, I’m pretty sure we’re are either close or will qualify and we’re to, uh, start planning on, uh, being compliant with that as of January one. And the one customer that I know is going to be effected by this law were already in the process of a full redesign and we started this process with them back in March.  

Jeff Byer    12:11    So, uh, we will be compliant when we, when we relaunch at the, at the end of this year. So, uh, California consumer privacy act that is, uh, it’s a little bit, if you’re, if you’re not yet compliant with GDPR, then you’re definitely not compliant with CCPA. So something to look into. And, uh, if you’re listening to this show and you have customers that qualify, then you definitely want to start that conversation. So I thought, ah, since I don’t have a guest, we talk about things, you know, real world, uh, business issues and technical issues that, uh, I’m working on right now. And, um, I could always use advice and consumer or, uh, and listener advice or anybody that’s dealt with any of these specifically. But, uh, I’m, I’m always open to, to learning and here are some issues right now that I’m specifically working on. So I have three.  

Jeff Byer    13:18    I manage three Shopify stores that are going to need California proposition 65 warnings for certain products. Now, if you’re not familiar with California proposition 65, it’s basically a warning label that goes on, products that will be shipped imported into California and California, uh, put this law into place so that consumers are warned if a product that they are purchasing has any elements that the state of California deems related to causing cancer. And so when you go to Disneyland, you see signs when you enter saying that there are elements in this park that, that are known to, the state of California is just causing cancer. So it’s, it’s commonly accepted by most large businesses, public entities, people that offer public access. If they, you know, if there’s anything like lead based paint or, or, uh, uh, anything, if they use something that contains lead or, or they use cleaning products that contain a certain chemical that’s linked to cancer, then they have to have these warnings.  

Jeff Byer    14:34    So it’s pretty commonplace and mostly, you know, it’s part of the landscape at, at Disneyland and, and, uh, most restaurants and things like that. And they’re just basically ignored. Uh, for e-commerce though, the solutions that I’ve been finding to this are pretty invasive. So the first place that I looked was Amazon and seeing how Amazon, uh, approaches it. And I wouldn’t say that Amazon’s approach is specifically compliant. I don’t know the legalities, but it’s very, I would say not really. You know, it’s, it’s hidden almost where they just have a link that says, view all of, uh, product warnings here on this page. And they have one page that encompasses every product warning, including California prop 65 warnings. So, um, and they’ve been, they’ve been critic criticized about the, their approach to this online. And, uh, I don’t know that if there’s any, any penalties or litigation against them as far as the way that they’re handling this, but from what I’ve seen as far as, uh, you know, plugins and, and, and other sites that are, that are, uh, following compliance or plugins that offer these compliance, they’re pretty annoying.  

Jeff Byer    16:02    Um, the one plugin that I’ve, that I’ve got installed for top-up high right now, and it’s called, uh, you have, it’s called product warnings and it has a free version. And basically if you add a product to, to your shopping cart before it adds to the shopping cart, a modal comes up with the actual warning and, and you have to click accept on the modal to add it to your shopping cart. And the free version is it does it for everybody no matter where you live or where you’re shipping. And it really only specifically applies to if the product is being shipped to California. Thing about that is if you offer guests checkouts or if they’re not logged in, you don’t really know where they are or where they’re shipping. And so this plugin has a paid feature that will use the IP address of the user.  

Jeff Byer    17:02    And if the IP address is in California, then they show the warning. And if it’s not, they don’t. So it’s not a perfect solution but at least gets it closer so that you’re not showing it to everybody. Um, the issue with this is without sh, uh, I’m trying to figure out a way that one, you don’t use a modal and you can just use a regular warning that’s on either the product page or the cart page. I’m getting clarification if we can actually show it in the cart and to how to show it for specifically only people that are shipping to California. From what I understand from the law is that if you can’t show the warning after it’s in a, a eCommerce shopping cart, you need to show it in the shopping cart before the purchase process. And you usually, the shipping address is one of the final pieces of information you’ve put in through the checkout process. And was Shopify specifically, uh, if you, unless you have a Shopify plus account, which is, you know, starting at $2,000 a month, you don’t have any access to the checkout process at all. Um, just content updates but you know, text updates and things like that, but you can’t access shipping or, you know, put a warning into the process itself.  

Jeff Byer    18:33    So that’s the process. That’s the thing I’m trying to work out right now is one if it, you know, if showing it to everybody is the only way to be fully compliant with the law, then I’ve got to present that to my clients. But to not doing it through a modal and doing it through just a, uh, uh, line item either in the cart or on the product page as if if the person’s in California. So problems I’m working out there and then that brought it up. The other issue is that does, does the plugin itself, you know, does using a plugin and paying a monthly fee makes sense? Or does it make sense to just create my own plugin and be able to install it on my three sites? Possibly making the plugin a product of my company and charging for it. So these are all questions that I will be answering most likely this month and get this underway for, for my three clients that require it.  

Jeff Byer    19:41    Um, next thing I’m working on a, I know there’s plugins for this, but the, what I’m working on is trying to make the fastest WordPress based blog. If performance server performance user performance wise, the fastest one you know in the world basically. So finding out what the perfect setup is. If you’re using WordPress as a backend for your blog, and this is specific to blogs, this isn’t front end, you know, this isn’t CMS, this isn’t WooCommerce e-commerce or anything like that. This is just blocked. This is just retrieving information, displaying it to, to the user on the front end. So I have my two experience experiments running now. Uh, the first one is using the, uh, the API through accessing it through PHP. So the server rendering and accessing through PHP is slow. The, the WordPress API is slow. It depends on the WordPress host.  

Jeff Byer    20:49    It’s, it’s, it spits out Jason, but on demand, Jason, so it’s got a render that Jason file and then spits it out. And then it allows you to access it and do that. So it’s almost a second round trip that not, you know, anywhere near acceptable as far as if you’re going to, you know, try and provide the fastest solution possible. It’s somewhat acceptable on, on a, on a regular website, on a small, smaller use, low access website. But for me, just across the board, not accessible or not, not possible cause it just takes way too long to do. So the JavaScript API version was a little bit better and uh, it probably cut the time and half but still 500 milliseconds to, to just access the content before displaying the page is still not, not ideal. And if you await, if you wait for, if you just load the page and then let the defer the, the API access, then your user’s looking at a blank page.  

Jeff Byer    22:03    And, and the, the experience itself, at least the visual experience itself is not very friendly and uh, and it’ll have issues if you’re running Java script on page load, that act that needs to either modify the interface or do some sort of a function on load and you’d have to defer that after the API. And it just, it becomes this long string of waiting and waiting and waiting. So that’s not an option. So the thing that I’m looking at now is, uh, is a plugin that will export a flat Jason file to a cloud service. Every time there is a change to the content in WordPress on the WordPress back end. Uh, I th this plugin does actually exist. Um, S somebody built one and I, I, I wish I could give them credit right now because, uh, I can’t remember who it is, but, uh, I do love this because I’ve, right now I’m running a, uh, AWS CDN at for my own blog, which isn’t up yet, but when it is, I’ll, I’ll share all the details on how it works.  

Jeff Byer    23:19    And so this would take this, this plugin a step further and be able to export the Jason file to AWS and then put it on, uh, on, on the cloud AWS cloud, so on cloud front so that this content is spread out, accessible on local servers and then do my test again as far as being able to access the Jason and display Jace on data using cloud services and a CDN. So that’s the next experiment. Um, I don’t know if I’m going to use by this existing plugin and for the experiment or just go ahead and try and create it myself and with, you know, hard coding, my specific AWS bucket and, and keys and all that stuff. So I’ll keep you updated on that. But that is another, uh, issue that I’m working on. And the last one that I’m currently working on is related to SEO.  

Jeff Byer    24:26    And Google’s mentioning through their site rate or guidelines of, uh, eat a spirit experience authoritativeness and trust. So a lot of my clients are, are having issues with this is how do we verify that we’re experts in the field that we’re talking about on our website? And if you are experts, how do we allow, how do we give Google enough information so that they can verify that the person who is publicly responsible for the content on the website is actually, uh, an authority and is trustworthy? So this is coming into being specific about my, my supplement clients, health supplements. And so there’s very strict laws about how, what claims you can make and how those claims can be made. And and proving that those claims are possible. But we’re also running a content marketing and blogs on these sites and the blogs are written by industry experts.  

Jeff Byer    25:33    Um, and we now have content coming in, nutrition, content, content coming in from a PhD. So now what I am trying to figure out, and I’m kind of doing trial and error here, is uh, how can we verify that the person who has PhD connected to their name is actually a PhD. I’m going to link to other publications that they’ve been published in, which are, you know, well-respected authorities and do well on health content in Google search results. So I know that those, those pages are respected. Uh, those sites are respected and they’re, they’re by default respecting the content that this person writes. So having an authorship pay page for these specific authors on our site that link out to all of the other places that the author is, is published on top of that is finding some way to verify that our PhD author is to verify the existence of his PhD and how the PhD was, would be verified.  

Jeff Byer    26:46    So we’re looking into that. A, I’m not sure that Google would, even if, if their algorithm even takes that into account, anything like that. But I’m just looking at it from specifically what the quality radar guidelines say is that a quality Raider comes on a site that’s making a health claim. They look at the author, they link to the author’s bio, and they see not only other places that they’ve written, but can actually verify the credentials of the person, not only their writing experience, but their credentials. That’s probably the best possible scenario for a quality rater to say, yes, this person is qualified to make this claim, therefore we deemed this, this content as a trustworthy and authoritative. So those are the real world problems I’m solving, trying to solve. And uh, I’ll keep you updated on that as well. So the next thing, uh, Google has achieved quantum supremacy and quantum computing is one of the hot topics, uh, besides Bert, which I talked about Burt all last episode.  

Jeff Byer    28:01    So no need to bring that up again. But, uh, quantum computing, uh, it’s a funny thing about quantum computing is that there is no real world use for it. And taking that into account, does any there milestone that they’ve hit, what does it actually mean? It’s kind, kinda like STEM cell research. It’s, it’s, you know, what’s the real world scenario? I guess there’s more real world scenarios for STEM. So, but quantum computing, um, it’s still remains to be seen whether this is going to be something that’s useful or maybe, you know, 20, 50 years down the road when you’re like, Oh, now we get it. This is what this, this quantum computing can do. But, uh, their study also got a lot of, a lot of kickback is, um, you know, in achieving quantum supremacy and they’re saying some, uh, the, I don’t remember the exact, so this is just, this is just, uh, off the top of my head and it’s definitely not accurate, so don’t, don’t take me to task on this.  

Jeff Byer    29:09    But, um, the, the calculation that the quantum computer, the quantum computer was trying to solve would have taken the best, uh, processor CPU, combo computer. Uh, something like a hundred years to do and it did it in two and a half minutes or something. And that’s what the benchmark to achieve quantum <inaudible> basically. And there’s been some push back on that saying it’s not, it wouldn’t exactly a hundred years, so it would probably take five years or 10 years, you know, something like that. And um, if it just kind of relatives, like if you’re gonna if you’re going to, uh, publish these results as something that you have a milestone for, for life in general, like, you know, stepping on the moon and stuff like that. Um, definitely have your, your facts and your citations in order. And you know, probably I would have put the benchmark out there publicly before announcing this saying, what do you think is the accurate benchmark for a, a, a quantum supremacy to be achieved? And is it true? You know, just, just check the facts and I don’t know if they did that or not. I don’t know if this is all just people nay-saying on, on Google. But yeah, props to them for, for getting this far and, and doing this without any, any form of, of, you know, real world use case. But my assessment of this whole thing is, is like, it’s super exciting, but what does it actually mean?  

Jeff Byer    30:58    So one thing that I’m going to talk about now, which I never really get into, uh, on the show, but, uh, it’s more of a tech tech talk type of a section. There’s a ton of other technology people out there writing about technology, blogging about technology, doing technology podcasts. But for me specifically, uh, regarding digital marketing and SEO, uh, website development, their specific tech that, uh, that I look into on a daily basis. And it’s something that, uh, that’s worth talking about. So, um, the first thing that that’s been coming up in tech talk is the Amazon exploding batteries. So Amazon’s a white label brand of batteries are, are, uh, inexpensive. Um, and so now people are complaining that the batteries are actually exploding in their devices. And there’s been a lot of knocks on these batteries for a long time, uh, as far as how long they last.  

Jeff Byer    32:06    And you know, they’re just not up to the quality there. They’re inexpensive for a reason and so, but this now brings a whole new aspect to it. It’s like, okay, the cheaper they make these batteries, the more dangerous they are. And so, uh, I thought it was a interesting take, but I have never bought Amazon batteries. Um, I don’t really buy cheap batteries because I, when I replaced batteries in something, I don’t want to be doing it all the time. So, uh, I buy fresh and, uh, a good quality battery next. Oh, the ear pod pros. Um, I always, I did have a lot of questions about these and got answered on a, on a podcast today. Uh, let’s see if I can find which episode that was. Um, I believe it was the, uh, tech meme ride home for, for yesterday. Anyway, the, what’s interesting to me is the air pod pro has 10 audio cores that are running an enormous amount of data hundreds of times a second.  

Jeff Byer    33:19    And I was like, that’s amazing. And it’s all based on, on their, uh, noise canceling algorithm and knowing your voice and knowing what’s coming out of the ear pods themselves and counseling out what’s coming out from coming in, uh, you know, comp complicated stuff and they’re smaller. So what is the battery life like on those? If they’re constantly, if they’re powering up 10 audio cores and running that much data per second while they’re on a, it’s kind of an insane thing to think about in such a small device. And so, uh, it’s something interesting. Um, I’m very happy with my current version of my EarPods and I’m not gonna upgrade, but it’s, uh, it’s definitely something to consider is how much power do you actually need in a pair of earbuds. So, uh, and now, uh, on a personal note, uh, my, my current MacBook pro, let me just see what this is.  

Jeff Byer    34:33    So this is a late 2013 15 inch MacBook pro. Uh, it has a 2.3 gigahertz Intel core, I seven. It’s running 16 gigabytes of DDR, three 1600 megahertz memory. Uh, it’s got a one terabyte SSD hard drive. It’s got an Invidia G force GT, seven 50 M with two gigabytes of a video memory, uh, and it is failing quickly. So I, I need to upgrade my whole program here. So I started down the, down the road of researching what am I going to get and when the iMac pro came out, cause I do have an, uh, a five K iMac that I bought for my home computer. So I didn’t max it out. I didn’t get a bunch. It’s got it’s running I five, uh, it’s on the guy who 500 gigabyte a SSD, you know, and I put some added Ram in it so that I could run, you know, my apps from home when I needed to, but, uh, everything, I stored everything on the cloud.  

Jeff Byer    35:53    So I didn’t really need the, the hard drive space and all that stuff. So, uh, I, but I love the format of the, I especially love the five K display and now that Apple doesn’t sell displays anymore, the iMac just for the display alone is a really huge selling point. So, um, you know, I’ve got expensive displays hooked up to my MacBook pro, but they’re nothing like the five K IMAX. So I looked at the iMac pro and Holy moly, they are expensive. I priced out what my, not even my top of the line fully loaded one is I just priced out what would be acceptable to me, you choosing specifically the lowest Ram option because I can upgrade the Ram cheaper aftermarket than I can when I buy the new one from Apple. And it still ended up at just shy of $8,000 the way I had it configured.  

Jeff Byer    36:52    So I’m like, Oh man, that’s going to be a huge expense. So then I said, okay, well what if I get the new MacBook pro? And of course it doesn’t have a Deion processors and everything, but it’s got a I nine. It’s, it’s a huge upgrade from what I’m currently using and it has the, it has a, a storage capacity up to a four terabyte SSD, which, which, you know, really makes me happy because, uh, my one terabyte is constantly filling and I’m constantly offloading projects to the cloud or to my, my, uh, Thunderbolt drives to, to just get them off the main hard drive because filling up the main hard drive definitely affects performance. And so I’m constantly doing that. And now my computer has the nasty habit of whenever it’s sinking to either the, the, uh, Thunderbolt drives or to the cloud, my computer just freezes, it seizes up and, uh, it’s starting to affect the audio quality of my audio recordings.  

Jeff Byer    38:02    It’ll seize during audio recording and you’ll hear these little blips. So, uh, it’s definitely time to upgrade. And so I’m looking into most likely going with Mac book pro just because iMac pro is such a huge cost difference. So the, the, back to what I was saying is so about $8,000 to upgrade to the iMac pro and right around, you know, 4,000 4,500 to get the MacBook pro. So that’s leaning me towards the MacBook pro. Now also have an iPhone eight plus, which is is great because it has a home button and I know the home button, uh, you know, I’ve heard mixed reviews on, on face detection and how that works. And so I’ve, I’ve been using my friends and my cousins iPhone tens just kind of playing around seeing, you know, okay, now I get it. Now you don’t press the, you don’t press the home button, you just swipe up to get home.  

Jeff Byer    39:04    And so as the way everything’s going, I’ve got to give up my, my home button. So what I am looking at getting is the iPhone 11 pro of course pay and you’re going into the store and paying full retail is not the way I like doing things. So now I’m looking around at different, uh, different options to, to get the best deal. You know, they’ve got the trade in and you know, my phone is still in perfect condition cause it’s always had a case. So trade in values. Good on that. But I’m not sure I want to trade it in. We’ll see. Uh, but yeah, iPhone 11 pro is probably going to be the next purchase. And finally the Mac O S Catalina upgrade. Uh, I, I’ve been hearing horror stories about it, especially for late 2013 MacBook pros, which is what my main computer is. So I am not upgrading this computer to Catalina.  

Jeff Byer    40:06    Uh, people who have posted their horror stories have said they’d have, they’d had to re-install completely re-install their Adobe suite and losing days of production, having to overcome a bunch of issues. And, uh, I, so what I did is I upgraded the five K, uh, core, I five iMac, cause I don’t rely on it. It’s more of a, a backup computer and it’s newer. So, uh, it could, it could, it’s better able to handle the upgrade and upgrade went fine. There’s a few things, but a Adobe suite updated fine. Uh, the, uh, Photoshop 20 installed perfectly. And the one thing is that I, I use a tiny P and G for compressing images for the web and I have a Photoshop plugin that’s been, it’s been spotty at best. If I have, if I’m using a huge amount of, of memory or scratched disc on a, on a file that’s open or if I have multiple art boards or anything, the plugin just crashes, Photoshop completely.  

Jeff Byer    41:19    So I only use it on small projects or one off images that I need. Otherwise I have to go to the website and, and use the, the website services for the, for the tiny P and G squishing. Um, so on, when I updated the iMac, the first thing I did was created an image and I wanted to export it through tiny B and G. and sure enough, the plugin isn’t compatible, error message can’t do it. It didn’t crash Photoshop, it just refused to run the plugin. So, uh, I had to compress it manually through the website. And that image is actually up on my Instagram at global Geoff. It’s just basically the Catalina waterproof picture or a wallpaper picture of Catalina Island that just says it’s, you know, my stuff is working. So if you go to my Instagram you’ll see that. But uh, I’m pretty sure that this MacBook is not going to get upgraded to Catalina anytime soon cause I am too busy and I’ve got too much going on. So that is it for today’s episode. If you have any questions, comments, you can find me on Twitter or Instagram. I am at global. Jeff, you can go to for any information or if you want to contact me about anything, episode ideas, you can go to digital rage dot F M and if you rate and review us in any of your pod catchers, we would sincerely appreciate it. Thank you very much for listening.  

Jeff Byer    43:01    Talk to next week for show notes and information. Go to digital Follow us on Twitter and Instagram at digital rage at bam and please give us a rate and review is zero. Lee, appreciate it. 

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