The energy industry is very accustomed to seeking permission to do things. It is the norm in industrialized societies to set out the acceptable parameters for investment actions that can impact others, and to have project proponents follow a set of established regulatory processes. These processes take time, but they could be trusted to yield a predictable outcome for project investors and proponents. 

Until recently.

Deploying energy infrastructure is an increasingly fraught endeavour in many parts of the world. 

There is now a frenetic race underway to secure the best projects with the best market positions, for the long term, in the face of a permitting timeline that exceeds the time available to avert the worst of climate effects. For proponents, chasing projects with high regulatory risk wastes both time and money in a race with little tolerance for error. Delayed in-service dates for projects reduce the value of their future revenue streams, exacerbated by the current higher interest rate environment. Such delays can result in promising projects falling in value and being canceled. 

However, one technology company HAS brought together the special combination of deep multi-faceted energy industry insight, permitting process, regulatory and legal knowhow, and technology capability to help infrastructure developers, operators, and investors crack the code on this problem. 

Arbo is a specialist technology-and-advisory business that has delivered the new technologies, advanced analytics and algorithms to improve the ability of project developers to execute in this environment.