Welcome to the Digital Nomad Cafe Podcast. Todays guest is Louise Glendon who is joining from Adelaide, Australia. Her online business is helping people take photos they love at https://clicklovegrow.com/

ClickLoveGrow offers online photography courses for women, to help them take better photos of their kids and family.

Louise is a mother, photography expert and ex-military. She brings a fun & inspiring enthusiasm to the conversation and shows how you can thrive online with one good course!

Her Facebook Group has over 28k engaged members and she runs her business like clockwork with two signature courses, promoted with two core lead magnets.

Podcast Topics

About Louise and starting ClickLoveGrow

Transitioning from local business owner to online business owner

The power of local networking and joining local groups

Working for the Royal Australian Air Force

14:30 - Getting into Facebook Ad Strategies and Tips

Promoting a course - 5 day challenges / Facebook lives / Teaching

The importance of lead magnets for your business

The power of Facebook groups

Knowing your numbers and ability to upsell for increased customer lifetime value

Why keeping it simple is sometimes they best option to grow your business!

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