Allyson and Reuven are live from the patio of GigaOM’s Structure event with a great lineup: Sameer Dholakia (@spdholakia), Group VP & GM - Cloud Platforms, Citrix; Jim Blair (@OpenStack), Principal Infrastructure Software Developer, OpenStack and Lauren Sell (@laurensell) Director of Marketing, OpenStack; Jonathan Murray (@Adamalthus), EVP & Chief Technology Officer, Warner Music Group and Jared Wray (@jaredwray ), Founder and CTO, Tier 3; and Raejeanne Skillern (@RaejeanneS ), Director of Cloud Marketing, Intel. The guests touch on everything from open source cloud computing to the composable enterprise (organizations as building blocks).

Show Timeline:
• 0:00: Introductions and discussions of cloud conferences and News of the Week
• 10:09: Interview with Sameer Dholakia
• 21:47: Interview with Jim Blair and Lauren Sell
• 38:45: Interview with Jonathan Murray and Jared Wray
• 51:37: Interview with Raejeanne Skillern