With Allyson on sabbatical and Ruv on the road, we’re pulling a couple of our “best of” episodes from the archive. This week we’re re-posting an episode with two former guests of the show. First up, Ben Kepes (@benkepes), a cloud thought leader, stops by to cover the growth of enterprise cloud, the Cloud 2020 Summit he’s currently organizing, and what “The Internet of Things” means for the future. Then Deborah Salons (@dsalons), an attorney specializing in regulation and privacy, weighs in on if you can ever be truly be private in the cloud.

Show timeline:
• 0:00 – Introductions and News of the Week
• 9:29 – Interview with Ben Kepes
• 25:08 – Interview with Deborah Salons
• 43:23 – Wrap up