Welcome to Digital Media Branding Podcast Episode 13
How Video Improves SEO
Hello, my name is Carlos Quintero and I own a Digital Media Branding company called MediaOnQ. I've been fortunate enough to have had the opportunity to work in the digital space for most of my career as far back as 1996.
Based on my own personal experience working with a broad range of clients from small businesses all the way up to Fortune 25 companies, I’ve witnessed how video can dramatically improve a brand’s identity and search engine’s ranking on the World Wide Web.
It is no secret that Google owns YouTube. 
And as of this recording YouTube is the #2 Search Engine in the World.
You may not realize that more than 48 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every minute of every day. That is simply more video than what most of us can imagine. The quality of the video is the only thing that can help brands stand out in this massive content pool. Adding well produced video content to YouTube will immediately impact your brands ranking on Google Search Page Results. 
It is important that I mention that Google will display video in their search results from other sources like Vimeo and Miro. We'll cover some of the factors that play a roll in how video ranks in a future podcast.
So how does all this work?
How does Video Improve SEO?
Let's start by pointing out that Quality Original Content is King when it comes to SEO. In other words, if you produce great content for your Blog, Business, Personal Pages or Podcast you will be rewarded by your audience through Engagement. 
Engagement - that is the name of this game. 
Engagement gives us the reason to care about how and where we rank on Google or Bing. We care because we want our content to be consumed by the target audience. 
Engagement allows businesses - Large and Small alike to increase their sampling, effectively helping them with prospecting efforts.
Engagement typically results in more conversions and higher quality leads.
Video can improve our SEO through Engagement.
Now let's talk about that for a moment. How does Video improve SEO through Engagement?
Well, Video Makes Content More Sticky
Video helps reduce bounce rates. A bounce rate is also known as a short click, which means that a visitor spend very little time on a particular web page.
According to a ComScore Study, people stay on a web page an average of 2 minutes longer when they watch a video. That is how Video makes our content sticky.
Video helps content rank higher. 
Video can actually help rank your content on Page One of the  Search Engine Results even with highly competitive keywords. Page One ranking results can actually be increased by 53 times simply by adding video content to that page. 
The main reason for this is that video simply less competitive. In other words, few people and companies are taking advantage of this opportunity.
Video allows brands to establish their claim on their niche…
Have you heard of be the first or the best to see the most success?  Well Video offers you and your business the opportunity to be first or better than others in your niche.
Here's a quick fact for you. More than 80% of video that Google displays in search results are informational videos.
Video helps improve your content's back-links.
Back-Links are important to an SEO strategy. Some of you may not know that Google's original name was back-rub, so yes, Back-Links are very important and having the ability to upload your video to multiple video search engines and directories is an easy way to create more back-links to your own site's content. The added back-links can help improve your own website's rankings.
Oh and let's not forget that video search engines make it easy for visitors to share and embed your videos on to social media sharing sites, blogs, news feeds and even personal sites. Again, this creates more back-links to your content and website.
What else can Video do?
Video adds Original Content to Your Brand. 
Original Content Rules on the Web.
Keep this in mind. If you produce a video and publish it, it will be unlikely that someone else will copy and paste it on to their own site and claim it as their own. So my advice to you would be that the more competitive your niche is the more video you should consider to produce and publish to help separate you from the pack.
Video also allows you to repurpose the content into other digital media platforms for additional content consumption such as Screen-shots, Text Transcript for your Blog or News Feed, PDF Download, PowerPoint Slideshow and Audio Podcast to name a few.
You can also use Video to build your website's traffic.
Yes, Video can build your Website Traffic.
You can leverage YouTube and other Video Consumption sites by building content trailers that help drive traffic back to your own site where visitors can then consume the full version of the content and possibly sample additional product, content or information directly from your website.
Here's something that I'd like to share with all of you. For those of you who don't know me, I love my Grandma for so many reason and here's one. When I was about 8 years old, I remember her saying that "when opportunity presents itself, it is your responsibility to take it". I remember thinking, what on earth is she talking about? 
Fast forward to today and here we are. 
Video levels the playing field - you too can be relevant, you can compete with the deep pockets and big boys. 
Leverage video. Grow your site, your blog, your audience and your revenue. And if you need help along the way, I'm here to help.
Join me next time where we'll continue to discuss a variety of digital media branding topics and strategies that will help you compete in today's web economy.
If you found this information helpful please subscribe on iTunes, leave a review and share it with a friend. 
My name is Carlos Quintero, Owner and Founder of MediaOnQ - Until next time, Take Care.

Carlos Quintero
QBusinesSolutions, Inc.
701-566-7328 office