Welcome to the Digital Media Branding Podcast Episode 018
How To Make Great Marketing Videos
Hello, I’m your host Carlos Quintero. I own a full service digital media branding and marketing company based out of Fargo, ND called MediaOnQ.
Because this is our Thanks Giving edition of the Digital Media Branding Podcast, we are going to change up the format a bit.
Today we’re going to go over some tips to help you make great marketing videos and hopefully inspire a viral campaign for your company.
I’ll also share with you a valuable resource to help you create your own videos so that you can fast-track your video marketing campaign.
We’ll also go over the components of viral video marketing and I’ll share my thoughts on the whole Google+ - YouTube Comments Merge.
Before we dive in, I have an important announcement for you. Moving forward, we will be releasing our weekly podcast episodes on Tuesday’s at Noon that is 12pm CST or GTM -6.
Before I go on, I want to thank all of you for listening to our podcast and for all the feedback. We really appreciate it. Thank you.
So with that, let’s get started.
At MediaOnQ we structure our marketing around building Active Brands. This basically means that the marketing objective is to get the message where the customers spend their time or already are.
Unlike traditional marketing, taking this approach allow us to go after our target audience rather than wait for them to come and hope that they consume the message.
There are a number of components to building an Active Brand and Video, or more specifically web video is one of them.
In today’s social media fueled world, video marketing has become more crucial toward building a successful digital brand.
Prior to the internet, the use of video in a marketing campaign meant that you had to produce an ad that would then run on TV or Cable. 
In doing so, you really had one of two options.
Well in some markets you had these two options.
The first is to use the TV or Cable’s own production department to make an ad for you. This typically meant that you would end up with a PowerPoint Slideshow  with bulleted text and a logo, type of ad which in my opinion is about as compelling as say chewing on tin foil.
Still today, you see these type of ads all over small market television and cable stations…
Option two would be to hire a video production agency to help you put an ad together.
The combined expense of producing the video ad and then buying the television or cable spot made it hard for many small businesses and organizations to even consider this as a possible marketing strategy.
Fast Forward to Today and Thanks to Technology Advancements…anyone and just about everyone can leverage video marketing through YouTube and other channels.
And if you’re interested outsourcing the video production you now don’t have to spend a ton of money on video production. 
In fact, MediaOnQ has 30-Second video ad packages that start at around $900 for a fully produced spot.
So we’ve come a long way.
OK - So what makes online video marketing so powerful?
The key is in the way that people interact with the content.
Here’s what I mean.
Let’s say that you’re looking for information on that Christmas present you’re getting for your loved one.
If both of the following offered the same information…
Would you be more likely to read a blog post or would you be more likely to watch a video?
Research tell us that only 2 out of 10 or 20% of web visitors will read text on a web page but 8 out of 10 or 80% will watch a video containing that same content.
You may have heard that visitors who watch a video on your website typically stay 2 minutes longer on that website.
But did you know that because they stick around longer, they are also 64% more likely to purchase from you?
And when you ad video to a web page, you increase it’s chance of ranking on page-one of Google’s results by 50%.
Hopefully some of this research inspires you to add video marketing to your efforts.
Let’s go over some types of marketing videos and possibilities, keeping in mind that sky really is the limit here.
So one approach might be to Tell a Story.
Just so that we are all clear here, this is not the famous elevator pitch type of story, but rather the type of story that your audience wants to hear.
When you focus on the benefit to your audience, you are more likely to create that emotional connection and reaction with your video.
There are two videos that come to mind which in my opinion did a great job at telling a story.
The first is the Built in Detroit campaign that Chrysler launched around 2012. You may’ve noticed that they’ve continued to build on it since then…
The second is another car brand.
Ford switched it up in 2013 by treating their video commercials into mini-movies or short stories. 
One of the most memorable spots for me is where the women break into the guy’s apartment to get a painting…they get the painting and get away in a Ford…in the end it was her painting anyway.
Even though I work in the industry, I don’t typically remember Television Commercials with that level of detail…
You could also offer a video testimonial and combine it with the story telling.
Testimonials tend to work well for attorneys, accountants, dentists and other healthcare professionals.
Another type of video that you might consider is one that showcases your strengths.
A product or service demo is a quick way for you to show your audience visually what exactly you and your company can do for them.
At MediaOnQ we’ve seen success around videos that get to the point quickly. 
So unlike story telling you need to be concise and quick with your message. 
Oh and don’t get me wrong, you should still provide some level of entertainment.
I mean, you would not want to have someone simply reading off bullet points on a product or service in front of a camera.
Another approach could be a straight forward sales pitch. 
Give your customers a run-down on what your product or service has to offer. 
The goal is to generate interest by showing your audience how your product or service will benefit them or how you stand out from your competitors.
A quick example of this type of approach would be the various auto insurance commercials that we often come across. 
They have a service which is packaged as a product and then they focus on price, while some of their competitors focus on the service after the sale…
If you have a product or service that is in development, then you might want to create a teaser.
A teaser would allow you to show short highlights of the product or service. Giving the audience enough to get them interested in the product or service but also allowing you room to complete or modify the full version.
We see examples of this type of video in movie trailers or with video game trailers.
The objective is to create buzz around the announcement or launch date.
These are just a few of the types of videos that you might consider producing for your company and of course you would be able to mix and match any of these to best suit your offerings.
There are a few things to keep in mind when coming up with the video concept and message.
You’ll want to determine if the video will target your existing customers or will it target your prospects?
And keep in mind that all videos should strengthen your brand.
So now I want to share that video creating resource that I mentioned earlier.
MediaOnQ’s Brand Promise is to help you - that’s all of our customers and audience, compete in today’s web economy.
So, we’ve started to put together a series of How To videos on Video Production and Post Production which are now available on our YouTube Channel.
We currently have 6 videos in that play list covering topics like How To Shoot Better Video With Your iPhone, Video Concept and Production Principles, How To Set Up a Video Shoot Location and How To Shoot for the Edit.
You will find a link at taking you directly to our YouTube page so that you can access these videos and I will also include a link in the show notes.
We plan on continuing to build this collection to cover more video production and post production topics to include color grading and video marketing techniques.
If you have a suggestion as to what kind of video would be helpful to you and your business please email us at .
We’ve decided to expand on our brand’s promise beyond this podcast as a way to give thanks to our community. 
We’re really excited to see where this goes and hope that some of these tips are useful in your own video marketing strategy.
Also, it is worth mentioning that if you would rather look for these videos directly on YouTube, you’ll want to search for MediaOnQ or CarlosQ00 (zero, zero) so you can get to them quickly.
Apparently my full name is fairly common…

So now let’s talk for a moment about a Viral Video Campaign…
Many of our clients always associate web video with viral video. 
Unfortunately going viral is not easy. If it was, everyone would do it.
I’m bringing this up because like all things, it takes time to build a community…so if your videos don’t instantly hit the hundreds or thousands of views…don’t give up.
Now, a viral video does not have to be edgy. So if you have a conservative brand or product you can still go after producing a viral video.

So once you’ve set your sights on viral video marketing you will want to include these three components to help increase the chance that your video will go viral.
Be Funny because what is mostly shared is typically funny or amusing in some way.
Be Interactive so when you receive feedback or any type make sure to respond as this means that viewers are engaged.
Be Relevant people care about issues and things that matter or are happening in the world today. When a video speaks to those issues in a fresh new way, viewers tend to respond.
While you may not end up with the new viral sensation, that fact that you created a marketing video that speaks to your customer base or target audience; will in itself be a great way to increase your visibility and it will provide a unique way for you to connect with your prospects.
If you use YouTube or Google+ you probably heard or noticed that YouTube comments are now Google+ comments.
If you want to comment on a YouTube video, you have to have a Google+ account.
This in my opinion gives videos that added boost from the Google+ community because now when someone makes a comment it is posted in their own Google+ page as well as on the Video’s YouTube page…generating more exposure for that video.
Not everyone views it that way and some are even a bit upset about the merge.
Obviously, everyone is entitled to their own opinion and I respect that.
He is my take on this whole thing.
We know that Google owns Google+ and YouTube.
We also know that they offer the Google+ community and YouTube service free of charge to all of us.
Frankly Google can and has done whatever Google wants to do with their own properties.
If any of us don’t like it we have the right to opt-out and not participate.
Personally, I am thankful for having access to FREE resources like YouTube as I believe that they have helped my company and many of my clients.
If you’d like to share your thoughts you can email me at or comment on the podcast show page at .
We’ve covered different types of video marketing approaches, talked about the new video production and post production resources on our YouTube channel and discussed vital components of viral videos.
I hope that you found this information helpful. 
Please subscribe on iTunes and leave us a review as this helps ensure that others who may benefit will find this podcast.
As always, your feedback is appreciated so if you’d like to suggest a topic for discussion on a future show please email us at
If you’re in the States, I hope that you have a great Thanks Giving. 
And if you’re outside of the United States I hope that you too enjoy the rest of your week.
Join me next week where we’ll continue to discuss digital media branding and marketing techniques to help you compete in today’s web economy.
Until next time, I’m Carlos Quintero. 

Thank You for listening.