Hands-on strategies to grow your business

Tiffani Bova is the Customer Growth and Innovation Specialist at Salesforce, author of "Growth IQ" and host of the "What's next"-Podcast.

In this interview, we talk about different strategies to grow your business and give insights into Tiffany's day-to-day life.

Make sure to stay until the end to understand, how you can win one of her books.

See the whole article & shownotes at: https://thevaluelab.co/

Stay in touch with Tiffani:

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tiffanibova/
Growth IQ: https://thevaluelab.co/r/growth-iq
What's next Podcast on Spotify: https://thevaluelab.co/r/whats-next-tiffany-bova

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You can get the newest strategies and tools here: https://thevaluelab.co/news
Look at our Digital Leaders merch: https://thevaluelab.co/shop 
Digital Leaders on YouTube: https://thevaluelab.co/r/youtube/
Digital Leaders Community on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/8680696/
Digital Leaders on Instagram: https://instagram.com/digitalleaderspodcast