Jonah Goodhart has had two exits with a total volume of more than $1.5 billion.

He was a founding investor in Right Media (sold to Yahoo), but according to insiders, he was much more involved.

He sold the advertising management platform MOAT to Oracle in 2017 for about $850 million.

That's why we're talking about Jonah's company building for B2B SaaS startups.


What you'll learn:

-Validating ideas: What makes a really good SaaS idea?

-How do you develop a B2B logo engine that keeps growing?

-How do you find product-market fit as reliably as possible?

Jonah Goodhart


Montauk Labs:


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(00:00:00) How did you validate and select ideas at the beginning of your career vs. how has that changed over the years?

(00:09:01) How much does your prominence in the scene and your environment influence you in idea implementation?

(00:12:58) How would you go about being a First Time Founder when supposedly all the other founders around you have more experience and know what they are doing?

(00:16:12) What things are really important when starting my business and what is more "go with the flow"?

(00:19:33) As a serial founder, how do you define a good team?

(00:23:02) As a founder, how do you decide what type of funding to choose?

When do I bootstrap, when do I seek an angel investor, when do I seek a VC?

(00:29:08) How much is it underestimated what damage debt financing can do if the founder doesn't know exactly what they're doing?

(00:40:30) What does Product Market Fit mean to you and when did you know with your company that you were achieving it/on your way to it?

(00:43:37) What does it take to build a Logo Machine in sales?

(00:50:58) When can I best tailor products to my customers and when should I focus on scalability?

(00:54:19) Have you ever had to turn down a customer because they wanted too much customization and what do VCs prefer - scalable products or customized?

(01:04:10) How do you personally cope with the mental and stressful challenges that startups bring?