Welcome to Digital Insider! 

We are pleased to introduce you to a new podcast series about the digitalization of retail. In this space, we will invite business leaders, academics and thinkers to discuss how businesses are transforming. Together, we’ll learn so much from our guests, getting their perspectives, practical advice, thought process, and lessons learned.

Coming up: 

Diana Cardona (Latin America Ecommerce Manager at Payless), Thales Teixeira (co-founder of Decoupling and former Harvard professor), Guilherme Lebelson (VP of Direct-to-consumer at ZX Ventures), Cristian Serrano (General Manager of the Americas Region at Tekmovil), Dan Goldman (Head of Strategy at Gap Inc.), and many, many others...

Digital Insider is brought to you  by VTEX. Read more about the digitalisation of retail on the VTEX blog. For any questions, requests and invites, please contact us at [email protected].