In today's Podcast we talk about how marketers exploit every platform be it traditional or digital.
The 126th episode of Digital India Podcast on FIR Podcast Network is brought to you by staff and students of  Web Marketing Academy

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The 126th episode of Digital India Podcast on FIR Podcast Network is brought to you by staff and students of  Web Marketing Academy

In today’s Podcast we talk about how marketers exploit every platform be it traditional or digital.
We talk about how businesses can use these digital platforms to establish a relationship with their customers, interact with them and build trust, and we emphasize on solving customer problems.
We also share some tips on how businesses can use these channels to build a brand without talking about their product.  Discussing Gary Vee’s concept of JAB JAB Jab Right Hook.. We talk about providing value to customers and then when you ask they’ll be willing to listen.

audio clip from GaryVee

Thanks to Ragan Awards for sponsoring this episode. Use the code INDIA to save 25% on the following:

 The 2017 Video & Visual Awards which will celebrate the best corporate videos and visual

designs from the past year. The extended deadline is Nov. 15.

 The 2017 PR Daily Awards which will focus on the industry’s most successful PR campaigns,

publications and events. The extended deadline is Dec. 1.

 The 2017 Ace Awards which honors individual PR practitioners, in-house teams and agencies.

The final deadline is Nov. 22.

Visit to enter.


You can share your feedback at: [email protected]


Host: Suresh

Podcast Manager & Podcast Editor: Bharani Dharan

The post MARKETERS RUIN EVERYTHING. DO YOU AGREE ? appeared first on FIR Podcast Network.