"Life is a beautiful series of stories ! if you can tell them with passion and truth, you can touch and change lives" - "Future is going to be amazing where you will see yourself surrounded by VR,IoT " 

At Social Media Week Bangalore, Prahlad Kakar shared his valuable wisdom and views about storytelling and Ravi Gururaj talks about core of e-commerce & social media in India.

Welcome to the 55th episode of Digital India Podcast on FIR Podcast Network. This show is ‘Weekly Updates’ brought to you by staffs and students of Web Marketing Academy.
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“Life is a beautiful series of stories if you can tell them with passion and truth, you can touch and change lives” – “Future is going to be amazing where you see yourself surrounded by VR,IoT ” 

At Social Media Week Bangalore, Prahlad Kakkar shared his valuable wisdom and views about storytelling and Ravi Gururaj talks about core of e-commerce & social media in India.

Welcome to the 55th episode of Digital India Podcast on FIR Podcast Network. This show is ‘Weekly Updates’ brought to you by staffs and students of Web Marketing Academy.

‘Story Telling is the heart of every communication and Future of E-commerce in India’

Prahlad Kakkar, the ‘Ad Guru’ who has over 30 years of experience shared his vast knowledge on how to build brands through storytelling. He also talks about his passions and his various entrepreneurial ventures. One needs to make content have human elements for it to connect with people. A brand which is more human can create a great value in the consumer mind. Storytelling does just that. A story is where there is hook, value & emotions. Implementing these would help creating a bond with the audience. Story telling is the best form disseminating information. A good story can make a person feel, absorb it and form a connection.

Prahlad Kakkar’s school PKSBE (Prahlad Kakkar School of Branding and Entrepreneurship)

Ravi Gururaj, Founder & CEO, QikPod is confident about growth of e-commerce companies although there is a little setback with the funding. He believes they will spring back and continue to delivery. It important to leverage social media platform especially for the young companies. Social Media doesn’t always work, but that shouldn’t stop one more using it. It is important to experiment on these new age platforms to see what works for you. Just because some new technology/ platform like bots, snapchat, etc are the ‘IN’ things brands don’t need to jump on it. Brands needs to address if leveraging these medium is helpful for the brands in the first place. It’s important to understand and address which channel does the brand needs to be on. One needs to keep exploring the evolving social media. With new technology progressing things like videos, Virtual Reality, wearables, etc… Social media will be more & more interactive over the years.

Episode 54

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Guest :   Ravi Gururaj and Prahlad Kakar

Host : Suresh and Sejal

Show notes : Madhur

Podcast Manager & Podcast Editor  : Bharani 

The post 055 : Indian Ad Guru Prahlad Kakkar on Stories & Future of E-Commerce in India appeared first on FIR Podcast Network.

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