This an episode that really lifted me, the Digital Hub podcast has always been about Inspiration, and this episode certainly does that, it’s packed with Inspirational Energy & fun from the outset!

My guests Rejoice and Wilhemina both are up & coming Digital Marketing experts who have developed a passion for everything digital.

These two young experts niched their passion for digital marketing into the world of search engine optimization otherwise known as SEO. 

To the listeners & viewers who aren’t familiar with SEO it is a skilled technical science.  the objective of SEO is to achieve high ranking, visibility on Google or websites, essentially driving more traffic to a website. To create the right processes, keywords, content images links, knowing when to use innovative tools to increase the visibility from a Google search is no easy task. 

If focusing on upskilling in SEO their chosen areas of Digital Marketing wasn’t enough, they launched B _Digital their own networking group a couple of years ago to help likeminded young black & ethnic digital enthusiasts as a network to help develop their skills, share ideas advice and more and have seen B-Digital grow & grow across the Discord Platform.

In the is episode we discuss their journeys to date & understand more about B-Digital and as always, we have a lot of fun and laughs along the way.