Paul Sesay, born in the 70’s in Yorkshire, to a white Mother & black father, essentially the creation of a one-night stand! 

Paul spent his early life through to his late teens in and out of Care Homes and Foster Homes.

Paul was naturally staring down the barrel of a life of crime whilst inside there was a strong feeling & sense of knowing he was destined for so much more, this ambition was recognised by James Klass, the late BBC radio presenter & DJ from Liverpool who brought Paul under his wing, and the rest is history! 

Over the last decade Paul has ignited the Equality Diversity & Inclusion sector, paved the way for many careers and employers through creating Equality Diversity & Inclusion events, awards & solutions that are paving the way in solving Equality Diversity & Inclusion issues that have existed for too long, Pau says it’s not just about race but also about tackling disability, gender biases in the workplace too. 

One of Paul’s creations is the Diversity Awards, they have grown year on year and in 2021 has exceeded 62,000 nominations and involvement & partnerships with ITV, Microsoft and many other tier one brands, another creation of Paul and his team is the Diversity TOP 50 companies, the success has many UK companies knocking the door down for recognition of the steps they have taken in equality and diversity. 

His latest project the Precedent Group, a recruitment agency focused on Equality, Diversity & Inclusion has a UK focus with global road map. 

Have a listen to hear Paul’s story a real inspiration for many not only to see what he has achieved but also to be moved on Paul’s commitment to change, which is what Paul Sesay is all about. 

Enjoy, be inspired & perhaps get involved!