Popl is your new Digital Business Card.
Why do you need new business cards? Because your paper cards are trash. 

We know, it’s hard to hear. But don’t take the feedback from us, listen to the case for the next generation of business cards from our Digital Hospitality podcast guests Jason Alvarez-Cohen and Nick Eischens, founders of Popl.

Popl gives you the power to simply Tap someone else's phone to share anything — instantly. https://popl.co/

Our special guest host on this video podcast is friend of the-show Josh Palet (https://www.instagram.com/joshpalet) from JP25 Media.

Along with our video crew from Rising Tides Creative, we drove up to Beverly Hills to Popl headquarters to connect with co-founders Nick Eischens and Jason Alvarez-Cohen.


What is Popl? —
Popl is an NFC-based digital business card that makes networking paperless and efficient, changing the game when it comes to growing your leads and becoming your best.

So, how does Popl work? 

“All I have to do is have a Popl tag on the back of my phone,” begins Nick Eischens (https://www.linkedin.com/in/nick-eischens) on their tech driven tag that looks like a sticker. “You get a push notification when tapped and it'll open right to my digital business card with my full profile.”

➤ Popl Website — https://popl.co/
➤ Popl on Forbes 30 Under 30 — https://www.forbes.com/profile/popl
➤ Custom Branded Popls — https://popl.co/products/customs

No longer do you have to carry a stack of bulky business cards – of your own or of others – that make your wallet look as cumbersome as that of George Costanaza. Rather, you can connect to future friends, clients or colleagues with the tap of a phone.

This proves perfect for both business networking and interacting socially. 

“I choose which links I get to share,” Nick says of his Popl on the Digital Hospitality podcast. “So, if I'm going to a conference, I can switch over to my business profile and then immediately share my business links. Then say I'm going to the bar after the event and I don't want to share my LinkedIn, I can switch over to my personal profile and share my Instagram, Twitter and Snapchat.”


Share with anyone (even those without Popl)
Instantly share your info, handles, payments, music, more.
Works with iPhones and Androids
You Can Use One Link for Everything
Unlock more with Popl Pro — https://popl.co/pages/pro

Building on the backs of giants, Nick Eischens and Jason Alvarez-Cohen are leveraging the power of the smartphone to make networking seamless. Thankfully, Popl works even without your new contact having the tag or the app.

“With NFC, you can send a piece of data to a phone without that phone needing an app or product themselves,” explains Jason Alvarez-Cohen (https://www.linkedin.com/in/jasonalco) on the Digital Hospitality interview. "That's the beauty of Popl. I can be with ten new people who have never heard of the product and I can still share my data." 

Pretty sleek, right? Not only does it simplify shuffling a slew of business cards in your own pocket, it helps out for those all too familiar situations where you don’t even have your business card on you. 

By making the most of existing space, Popl is saving space. 
“We realized the back of your phone is pretty valuable real estate,” notes Nick. “When does someone not have their phone on them? Never."
"So, this space right here is valuable and people love customizing. Naturally we made that progression into branding and now that's a big portion of our business: custom products.”

Not only can you have a Popl tag on your phone that shares all your pertinent links, contact information and social handles, you can make one with your own logo.

Going Viral on Social Media —
This DIY approach for Popl has proven right on the money with the next generation as they’ve grown their business through TikTok.

Popl is your new Digital Business Card.

Why do you need new business cards? Because your paper cards are trash. 

We know, it’s hard to hear. But don’t take the feedback from us, listen to the case for the next generation of business cards from our Digital Hospitality podcast guests Jason Alvarez-Cohen and Nick Eischens, founders of Popl.

Popl gives you the power to simply Tap someone else’s phone to share anything — instantly. https://popl.co/

Our special guest host on this video podcast is friend of the-show Josh Palet (https://www.instagram.com/joshpalet) from JP25 Media.

Along with our video crew from Rising Tides Creative, we drove up to Beverly Hills to Popl headquarters to connect with co-founders Nick Eischens and Jason Alvarez-Cohen.



What is Popl? —

Popl is an NFC-based digital business card that makes networking paperless and efficient, changing the game when it comes to growing your leads and becoming your best.

So, how does Popl work? 

“All I have to do is have a Popl tag on the back of my phone,” begins Nick Eischens (https://www.linkedin.com/in/nick-eischens) on their tech driven tag that looks like a sticker. “You get a push notification when tapped and it’ll open right to my digital business card with my full profile.”

➤ Popl Website — https://popl.co/

➤ Popl on Forbes 30 Under 30 — https://www.forbes.com/profile/popl

➤ Custom Branded Popls — https://popl.co/products/customs

No longer do you have to carry a stack of bulky business cards – of your own or of others – that make your wallet look as cumbersome as that of George Costanaza. Rather, you can connect to future friends, clients or colleagues with the tap of a phone.

This proves perfect for both business networking and interacting socially. 

“I choose which links I get to share,” Nick says of his Popl on the Digital Hospitality podcast. “So, if I’m going to a conference, I can switch over to my business profile and then immediately share my business links. Then say I’m going to the bar after the event and I don’t want to share my LinkedIn, I can switch over to my personal profile and share my Instagram, Twitter and Snapchat.”


Share with anyone (even those without Popl)
Instantly share your info, handles, payments, music, more.
Works with iPhones and Androids
You Can Use One Link for Everything
Unlock more with Popl Pro — https://popl.co/pages/pro

Building on the backs of giants, Nick Eischens and Jason Alvarez-Cohen are leveraging the power of the smartphone to make networking seamless. Thankfully, Popl works even without your new contact having the tag or the app.

“With NFC, you can send a piece of data to a phone without that phone needing an app or product themselves,” explains Jason Alvarez-Cohen (https://www.linkedin.com/in/jasonalco) on the Digital Hospitality interview. “That’s the beauty of Popl. I can be with ten new people who have never heard of the product and I can still share my data.” 

Pretty sleek, right? Not only does it simplify shuffling a slew of business cards in your own pocket, it helps out for those all too familiar situations where you don’t even have your business card on you. 

By making the most of existing space, Popl is saving space. 

“We realized the back of your phone is pretty valuable real estate,” notes Nick. “When does someone not have their phone on them? Never.”

“So, this space right here is valuable and people love customizing. Naturally we made that progression into branding and now that’s a big portion of our business: custom products.”

Not only can you have a Popl tag on your phone that shares all your pertinent links, contact information and social handles, you can make one with your own logo.


Going Viral on Social Media —

This DIY approach for Popl has proven right on the money with the next generation as they’ve grown their business through TikTok. Starting with zero followers like everyone else, Popl was able to go viral by their fourth video by amassing 20,000 views.

Scoring 20,000 views on TikTok off spending $0 was a eureka moment for Nick and Jason which occurred before TikTok blew up during the pandemic. Eventually, they made a TikTok with 80 Million views that led to their sales exploding in Europe, Asia and the US.

“TikTok was our primary marketing channel for the first half of 2020,” Nick says. “The best form of advertising is when someone uses Popl. That’s what’s great about the product, is you use it on someone else and you’re selling Popl because of that wow factor.”

Not only did TikTok help make Popl global, it allowed them the growth to provide feedback for pricing as they continue to refine their sales strategy.

“When we blew up on TikTok, we kept increasing our prices because we wanted to keep inventory,” shares Jason. “We didn’t want to run out because that’s a bad problem to be in. So, we went to $10 and then we went to $15 and then eventually we ended up at $19.99 and they were selling just as fast. That told us, ‘OK, $5 is probably cheap. $19.99 works out.’ We also have a very powerful platform and mobile app that we feel compliments that price nicely.” 

Raising the price of the tag not only added dollars to their bottom line, it introduced buyers to their free app. 

Built by Jason, the Popl app has location features to remind you where you met a new contact and tracks progress on just how much you’re networking. This post-purchase value not only beats other players in the app space, it turns the rectangular piece of paper we used to hand to new people as total rubbish.

“The people who are getting the most benefit from Popl are the people who are using it instead of business cards,” says Nick. “They’re getting rid of their business cards and replacing it with Popl. They’re using Popl as a tool for them to get more connections, more leads and more sales.”

More connections, less paper, Popl might be reducing the world’s carbon footprint just as much as they’re revolutionizing networking. 


— Feature article by Cali BBQ Media content creator Ian Stonebrook. Connect with Ian on social media @ianstonebrook

➤ Follow Shawn Walchef on Popl: https://poplme.co/shawn-walchef

➤ More Digital Hospitality interviews at: https://calibbq.media/podcast-episodes

Many thanks to our friend Josh Palet for traveling to Beverly Hills with us to interview the Popl founders at their headquarters. 

➤ Connect with Josh Palet at: https://www.instagram.com/joshpalet

➤ Visit JP25 Media at: https://www.jp25.media


Connect with the Cali BBQ Media team at [email protected]. Subscribe to our newsletter for updates on our businesses and lives. https://calibbq.media



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