Welcome to this week's Digital Content and Expert Advice for Coaches and Freelancers Podcast Rosemary O'Shaughnessy Digital Content Manager.  I chat with Kier Adair who is a virtual photographer and coaches camera-shy business owners.

We discuss the importance of being confident in front of a camera so you are shown in your best light. Kier works for women business owners who need the confidence to be seen.

She builds relationships with her clients before the photo shoot. On the day of the photo shoot, it is about having fun and so you are at your best. As the saying the camera never lies. When you feel good confident, and energetic it comes across in your photos.

Being at ease in front of a camera is so important with the help of your professional photographer. Feeling good makes your personality shine for your brand photos. Confidence builds trust, which is very important for businesses.

How can you be confident for your brand photo's

Your mindset being in a good mood.
What are your best points to show?
Avoid double chins, elevate your shoulders and back. 
Positive thinking.
Confidence to show your imperfections.
What part of you do you want to focus on?

What is a Virtual Photographer

How brand photos can be taken without you having to travel for a professional photo shoot
Through and app Kier can take control of your camera 
You do not see when the photos are being taken
Kier has a brand consultation before the photo shoot, so she understands what you wish to portray.
Virtual Photography is relaxed and fun as you are in your own setting?
Virtual photos work for all ages 
It works for techie and nontechie 
Images are downloaded by Kier edited, and then you receive a gallery of photos.
Kier can work with people all over the globe
Authentic images
Virtual photography is entry-level pricing for your brand photography

72% of women do not like getting their photos taken

Kier's Advice for Your Business Success

Very important to be seen online
Images that are a true reflection of you
Being agile and adaptable to your customers needs.
Stand out in a busy online world
Photography for your online and offline offers

Contact Kier to learn more about how she can help you. 

[email protected].

Many thanks for listening to this Podcast Rosemary O'Shaughnessy, Digital Content Manager. I design and manage websites, done for you content creation or content creation with you. I offer skills workshops for Service Providers , Freelancers Coaches and adults with dyslexia. 

Contact me to learn more about how I can help you.


Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any suggestions for what you would like to hear in this podcast. 

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