Welcome to this week's Podcast Rosemary O'Shaughnessy digitalcontentmanager.ie where I speak with Debbie Ringwood from themarketingshop.ie. We chat about the SME Community Ireland on Linkedin and support for business.

SME community started on Twitter around 10 years ago supporting business online and offline. 

Today the community has a LinkedIn group of nearly 700 members

We believe it is the right time to activate the group again now Ireland is open for business
 During covid19 more people have been using Linkedin from looking for jobs or businesses looking for advice on how to trade in a changing market
The advantage of a community the members have different talents and skills to help support and guide.
Different businesses have different challenges

The aim of the group is 

Is for it to be a safe space
Where people can share ideas and advice , a few people sharing advice can help find solutions to challenges easier than if you are by yourself.
Let's give each other advice as things change when people return to work.
Do you want to learn about online tools that others could recommend?
Advice on how to work with freelancers and remote workers

Debbie's Recommendations

Have a plan be cautious as things are still changing
Look forward and take action.

My advice

What did you learn from your customers during COVID-19 about changed buying habits?
What can you do now to give customers more of what they want to help your business grow? 

Many thanks for listening to this Podcast Rosemary O'Shaughnessy , and of course do not hesitate to contact me if you have any suggestions for this podcast.

I offer done-for-you content creation, done with you content creation, WordPress design, and training

Why not contact me to arrange a zoom call so we can have a chat and you can learn how I can help you.


Do join me for our next, Podcast which will discuss is fear holding us back in business and life.

Rosemary O'Shaughnessy