Today's Episode
Facebook announced new live features for brands. Now you can live stream through your brand page on the web. This means brands can do better live video with better equipment. My brand page does not have it yet, but, social media companies do slow rollouts. The good thing for users is there is a potential for better content. That's what digital marketers are all about! Also, be aware that more live streaming is going to happen. This could make it oversaturated in a matter of years. That means making a plan and calculating what is going to be the best content for your fans.

We now turn to the demise of I know many of you may not have heard about this, but, it was supposed to be the alternative to Twitter. It was an interesting platform, but, it was too similar. The problem now is new companies copying another platform. Never do that. Be your own platform. Find out more down below.

Show Timeline:
Gen Z more resistant to ads
Instagram is testing ads in Stories
Facebook adds more live feature
Facebook let's advertiser target rival dynamic ads
mid-ad rolls are coming to video for Facebook
New Pixel is coming.. Facebook Pixel
Twitter Dashboard shuts down.
Google trying to make simple web builder for small businesses
Snapchat releasing universal search
link command is dead. Stop using it.
What issues were discussed the most on Facebook and Instagram
Youtube releases Super Chat and payments options for live is no more
The Fake News debacle and how to avoid it
Apps/Programs to Try this Week:
Uber Plugins
Nectar Desk
Highlights from the Show:
Fake news affects more than journalism.

Twitter needs to focus on who they are, they don't know that.

Gen Z is all the rage now. Sorry, Gen Y, you're old.

If you want to succeed with Gen Z, do interesting stories, good music and be funny.

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