Today's Episode
Vine is shutting down soon. This is not a surprise to anyone. The social platform was not supported by Twitter and it focused on live streaming. The audience dwindled and it is shutting down. It will live on as a camera, but, take a backseat to Periscope. It's a shame to how this all went down, but, six-second videos did not need a standalone platform. This is the best alternative. It is a reminder that everything can die and build your audience on different platforms is a wise decision. There are other platforms to do short video. There is no shortage of that. Facebook did a short update to brand pages. It's an interesting way to get business to post different content. I wonder if it will be any good. Only time will tell.

Show's Timeline:
Taboola changes from widget to platform
AOL unveils brandbuilder for your brand's ads.
Amazon made more money than any other e-commerce site
Alexa a marketer?
Google will put local numbers in ads
Vine is going offline Jan 17th
Airbnb using Twitter 360 video
Facebook adds new post prompts for brand pages
Apps/Programs to Try:
Stripe Dashboard
Highlights from the Show:
Google has been doing some dumb stuff on the business side.

Alex could be great to getting new customers.

The demise of Vine shows you can not solely be on social media. You need a website.

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