A fad or the future?

We are huge evangelists for open banking, and if you haven't already heard John wax lyrical about why a good open banking app is essential to your tech stack - then this is the one to listen to. In this episode we take a deep dive with Ger Kelly of Use Comma on what the fuss is all about. Including why the banks alone aren't fit enough to solve the pinch points and how Comma are empowering accountants & their Clients. 

And on top of that we're delighted to announce Comma as a Digitools Cornerstone Sponsor - which gives us the freedom to help shine more of a light on this exciting new area of technology.

Also in this week's app news:

Crezco, Comma, Telleroo and FreeAgent app updates
Xero and Intuit initial results
The first MTD ITSA bridging software
Industry updates - what are the key dates for your calendar & other news of interest