Best-selling author Mark Schaefer's new book is called Cumulative Advantage. It is a fantastic investigation of the secret sauce that seems to make some people successful and others perhaps not so. He explains the concept of Cumulative Advantage and how you can set yourself up to be successful with it rather than sitting by and watching other people do it while you do not.
Schaefer is a multiple-times best-selling author, the man behind the popular marketing blog Businesses Grow and a highly sought-after keynote speaker in the marketing ecosystem. He and host Jason Falls also discuss their common topic passion of influencer marketing and how it impacts the world of marketing to day.
Schaefer and Falls are fellow West Virginia University graduates. The pair playfully throws a stake in the ground about who invented the burning of couches for sports celebrations, as well.
Falls then offers up some perspective on the recent SAG-AFTRA influencer agreement in a follow-up to his article on the topic at Entrepreneur.
This episode of Digging Deeper is sponsored by Julius, the end-to-end influencer marketing solution. If you’ve read Jason Falls' book Winfluence - Reframing Influencer Marketing to Ignite Your Brand, you know he and Cornett have depended on Julius for influencer discovery and campaign management for some time. When we look for the right influencer for client projects, Julius allows us to search across Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, TikTok, Twitch, Twitter, Pinterest, Blogs and more. When we click into an influencer’s profile, we see their audience demographics, what other networks they have reach through and quickly scan their recent posts to decide if they’re a right influencer for the client in question. All the pieces of campaign management are there, too. Julius allows you to reach out, document contracts, share and approve influencer content and, of course, measure the ROI of each campaign, influencer or post. You owe it to your brand or agency to do a demo of Julius today. Go to and request one. That’s
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Best-selling author Mark Schaefer's new book is called Cumulative Advantage. It is a fantastic investigation of the secret sauce that seems to make some people successful and others perhaps not so. He explains the concept of Cumulative Advantage and how you can set yourself up to be successful with it rather than sitting by and watching other people do it while you do not.

Schaefer is a multiple-times best-selling author, the man behind the popular marketing blog Businesses Grow and a highly sought-after keynote speaker in the marketing ecosystem. He and host Jason Falls also discuss their common topic passion of influencer marketing and how it impacts the world of marketing to day.

Schaefer and Falls are fellow West Virginia University graduates. The pair playfully throws a stake in the ground about who invented the burning of couches for sports celebrations, as well.

Falls then offers up some perspective on the recent SAG-AFTRA influencer agreement in a follow-up to his article on the topic at Entrepreneur.

This episode of Digging Deeper is sponsored by Julius, the end-to-end influencer marketing solution. If you’ve read Jason Falls' book Winfluence - Reframing Influencer Marketing to Ignite Your Brand, you know he and Cornett have depended on Julius for influencer discovery and campaign management for some time. When we look for the right influencer for client projects, Julius allows us to search across Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, TikTok, Twitch, Twitter, Pinterest, Blogs and more. When we click into an influencer’s profile, we see their audience demographics, what other networks they have reach through and quickly scan their recent posts to decide if they’re a right influencer for the client in question. All the pieces of campaign management are there, too. Julius allows you to reach out, document contracts, share and approve influencer content and, of course, measure the ROI of each campaign, influencer or post. You owe it to your brand or agency to do a demo of Julius today. Go to and request one. That’s

If you like this episode, please share it with a friend or colleague. Don't miss the video show each week by subscribing to our YouTube channel or our audio podcast on Apple PodcastsGoogle PodcastsStitcher or Spotify. And we could use some reviews on each platform, so do give us a quick rating or review!

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