One of the most anticipated releases of 2019 has come & gone. "Revenge of The Dreamers 3", led by J.Cole, has been received very well. 

So well in fact, that it got Ben & Charlie thinking about the concept of "Label Albums" or "Collaborative Albums" to word it differently. If we look back at albums such as ROTD3, they're rarely remembered as being high-quality projects. They're more remembered as moments in time, moments in an artist's career, not as a great album that people will listen to as they do with regular albums.

So what are "Label/Collab Albums"? And what purpose do they serve? That is what Ben & Charlie explore whilst also trying to gauge what they liked & didn't like about the album and the overall concept it's housed in.

Charlie vs Procrastination - (1:18) 
Weekly round-up - (5:30) 
General thoughts on ROTD3 - (12:54) 
What is a "Label Album"? - (22:33) 
What is the purpose of them? - (30:52) 
Do people even want these albums from notable labels? - (44:56) 
Charlie's main problem w/the concept - (49:05) 
The "Analogy Assassin" is born - (54:33) 
Lighter Note - (57:58) 

Thanks for listening. Below are the Social accounts for all parties involved. Be sure to let us know that you're supporting us!

Music - "Pizza And Video Games" by Bonus Points (Thanks to Chillhop Records for the right to use)

HHBTN (Twitter & IG) - @HipHopNumbers
5E (Twitter & IG) - @5thElement_UK
5E Community Discord -
ChillHop (Twitter) - @Chillhopdotcom
Bonus Points (Twitter) - @BonusPoints92