On Ep.40 of DITD: Music Journalists, Media Personalities, news regurgitators. What are the lines & levels to the people we get our news from?

FULL SHOW NOTES & TIMESTAMPS - https://share.transistor.fm/s/c67d536e

Think for a moment about where you get Hip-Hop news. Now think about where you get quotes from people of note.

Unlike the regular News Journalism we all know of, Music Journalism isn't so easy to define. Because a majority of the news we get is either bare-bones information such as 1st Week sales or release dates. Or they simply come from the source and leads outlets to just regurgitate the information (e.g. An artist saying something incendiary on IG Live.)

So what is Music Journalism? How has the way we get news changed everything and who are the Music Journalists of note?

Weekly Music Roundup - (3:00)
Topic Intro - (11:09)
The divide between "Personalities" & writers - (16:20)
Our definitions of Music Journalism - (22:43)
Let's talk DJVlad - (30:43)
Negativity (& lack of morality) sells -  (33:21)
The concept of "Critical Mass" - (39:50)
The Overton Window of Hip-Hop Journalism - (47:40)
Is Hip-Hop Numbers Journalism? - (56:08)
Lighter Note - (1:01:47)

Thanks for listening. Below are the Social accounts for all parties involved. Be sure to let us know that you're supporting us!

Music - "Pizza And Video Games" by Bonus Points (Thanks to Chillhop Records for the right to use)

HHBTN (Twitter & IG) - @HipHopNumbers
5E (Twitter & IG) - @5thElement_UK
5E Community Discord - https://discord.gg/QApwabP
ChillHop (Twitter) - @Chillhopdotcom
Bonus Points (Twitter) - @BonusPoints92