Marina Gavito is the Executive Director at SA Digital Connects. It’s a non-profit organization that helps communities get connected to the internet. It’s a wonderful cause because it helps them get opportunities that they would otherwise miss.

Highlights from the interview:

We start with career pivots and how Marina made the leap to a non-profit.Why purposeful work is so important to her.How she went from the private sector to a non-profit and how she weighed the pros and cons before she made the leap.Focusing back on her passions, so she was happier at work.How she dealt with bad internet connection during an important interview.How she works with her inner voice to help her when she stumbles.What happened when she was about to give an important presentation and her daughter hurt herself before she went on stage.Why being vulnerable can help us be a better leader.Learning from a situation when she lost a funder to her non-profit.She had to turn to her team to help her process the lost funder.What she does at the end of the day to help her wrap of her day and be present with her family.Why she doesn’t like working from home.How she deals with her stress by exercising each morning.She keeps a family gratitude journal to help her little girls focus on gratitude.How she uses notebooks to track the joy in her life.The struggles of being a leader of a non-profit.How she utilizes the strengths of her team.How her self-awareness has helped her be a better leader.The part of her work that lights her up.Getting people signed up to get free internet.The importance of checking in with our hearts.Being your authentic self at work.How she built a team that was confident and had strengths that she didn’t have, so they could round out the team.The importance of asking for help when you need it.Most impactful book.

You can learn more about Marina and what she does over at SA Digital Connects. You can also connect with her on LinkedIn. Send her a note and tell her what you thought of the interview.

And as always if you have any questions or want to submit a guest for the podcast that you think would be amazing just reach out on Dig to Fly and I’ll do my best to get them on. If you enjoy the interview please take 30 seconds to rate the Dig to Fly podcast on your favorite platform. Thanks!