Have you ever done something the wrong way for years and then it’s only after a deep discussion did you realize your mistake. 

This recently happened to me at the Craft and Commerce conference. I was explaining how I help my clients dig into the things that gets them stuck and create systems to get better results. 

As I was explaining what I did for my clients he asked, “So you create SOPs (standard operating procedures) for people?” 

I smiled. 

“”Yes! That’s exactly what I do!”

I never thought to use that phrase. I was trying so hard to create my own brand I was missing the mark. 

Then I decided to use that phrase with someone else at a conference and she was like. 

“I help small business owners create SOP’s so they save time and money.

That’s exactly what I need!


The branding shift changed how people saw me. 

Why didn’t I think of this sooner?

As you probably know I started to beat myself up. 

I asked myself…

Why didn’t I think of this sooner?

How could I be so stupid?

Why did it take me so…

Then my Dig to Fly practice questions kicked in. 

I shouldn’t expect myself to know exactly the best way to describe how I help others. 

These things take time.

Instead of wasting time I can look for opportunities. As I laid in my bed and looked at the white ceiling.

The opportunities are immense.

I can help a lot of struggling business owners and team managers create SOPs to help them save time and money.

Now I have a clear way to describe how I help people. This was a huge breakthrough for me. 

I feel like I’m floating right now. 

Before I sign off I want to thank you for all your support. Some of the content will be geared toward helping people develop processes so they can make better decisions faster. 

Once we have a process in place we can improve our habits. As we improve our habits we’ll have more time for the deeper work.