Join us as we explore the journey of self-discovery with Tanya Cole-Lesnick, psycho-therapist turned personal development coach. You’ll learn how to identify triggers, craft personal mantras, and prioritize your true voice in leadership.

Introductions and mindset discussion

In this interview you’ll learn about crafting mantras to help you become a better leader. TanyaCole-Lesnick as a psychotherapist-turned-coach focused on personal development. One of my favorite parts of this interview was when we discussed the power of mindset and self-awareness, with Tanya noting her sensitive nature helped her connect with clients after learning to embrace it.

Noticing patterns and making adjustments

Tanya outlines her process of journaling to track triggers, identify patterns, and trial adjustments to energetic clutter like overcommitting. Karl shares anger issues stem from his upbringing and the importance of noticing small triggers to curb explosive outbursts.

Learn the frameworks you can use to slow down and check in with yourself.

Developing a personal mantra

Tanya recommends clients craft mantras in their own language to stay grounded, like her reminders to check needs and wants when pressured. Karl found loving-kindness prayers calmed travel anxieties by focusing on positivity.

You’ll learn Tanya’s Mantra and she explains how you can create your own.

Finding one's true voice and priorities

Tanya stresses honoring intuition amid life's automation by regularly reflecting on values. Karl contemplates prioritizing purpose over tasks, allowing more self-care. Tanya embraces creative risks by trusting her vision's evolution.

Leading from the heart versus excellence

Tanya differentiates living from the heart in one's "genius zone" versus excelling in misaligned roles. Karl notes appreciation boosts morale equally to rewards by acknowledging growth.

You’ll learn the power of journaling and what Tanya recommends for you.

Resources for further learning and contact

Tanya recommends Glennon Doyle's book "Untamed". Karl offers a process assessment to Tanya and building their relationship.

You can learn more about Tanya over at her website. You can also connect with her on LinkedIn.

As always, if you have any questions or want to submit a guest for the podcast that you think would be amazing, just reach out to me on the Dig to Fly website, and I’ll do my best to get them on. If you enjoy the interview, please take 30 seconds to rate the Dig to Fly podcast on your favorite platform. Thanks!