Previous Episode: Recognizing Fear

Welcome to Difficult Conversations with Dr. Anthony Orsini.   Today our guest is Mr. Ryan Estis, who is a globally recognized sales and leadership expert, speaker and author. Ryan has been advising clients on navigating change, improving performance, influencing culture, and accelerating growth. He’s a Founding Partner of ImpactEleven, where he’s helping define and shape a community that’s influencing culture and shaping the future of both personal and professional growth. In this episode, we talk about Ryan’s story and how he went from a rockstar rising sales professional to becoming one of the top keynote speakers in the industry. As a speaker, Ryan is known for his innovative ideas on leading change, improving sales effectiveness, and preparing for the future of work. He’s been recognized as one of “the best keynote speakers ever heard” by Meetings & Conventions magazine. His works and writings have been featured in Forbes, Fast Company, and Entrepreneur Magazines,. His book Prepare for Impact, coming later this year, offers a playbook for individuals to capture opportunity, accelerate growth, and leading into the future. As always, the promise on this show will be to inspire you and teach you how important communication is in medicine, business, and in everyday life. 

Ryan shares his story about hearing a speaker that changed the perspective of his career and inspired him to follow his passion to teach and coach.  We hear the path Ryan took to master the craft of  speaking.  Preparing for a keynote takes a lot of work, and we’ll find out about the hundreds of hours of preparation, perfecting the delivery, and bringing the energy into a conference.  We hear how Dr. Orsini met Ryan and how he helped him bring his speaking skills to another level.  Ryan tells us about how the word “community” kept coming up in his  life, and this is what led to the creation of ImpactEleven, a place where people can be inspired to share, teach, and spread their message to the world.  Dr. Orsini explains how attending the ImpactEleven Bootcamp had such an influence on him.  We’ll find out about how bootcamp started and the meaning behind Ryan’s mantra, We’re better together! Liz shares the experience she had learning about ImpactEleven’s operating principle called, “Give generously, don’t keep score.”  Ryan tells us about the importance of storytelling?  He shares with us how a story about  a cup of coffee changed his life. 

Anthony Orsini

Liz Poret-Christ


Ryan Estis

For More Information:

Difficult Conversations Podcast

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It’s All In The Delivery: Improving Healthcare Starting With A Single Conversation by Dr. Anthony Orsini


Ryan Estis Website

Ryan Estis Twitter

Ryan Estis & Associates YouTube


A Cup of Coffee Changed My Life-Ryan Estis-Goalcast (YouTube)

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