In this episode, Dietitian Boss Method creator and CEO Libby Rothschild and Dietitian Boss Coach Heather share tips when a dietitian says what if no one buys?

“Engaging in Support systems, routines, or mechanisms such as reflection with a friend or if you're in therapy is helpful because if you combine different ideas it can help you make progress. “

What you’ll learn from this episode:

How to process emotions or know self-worth. Importance of seeing yourself as unique as a dietitian. How important is it to have a framework? What is the fear behind the statement that what if nobody buys? The importance of having a support system.

Connect with Libby:

Instagram: @libbyrothschild | @dietitianboss  YouTube: Dietitian Boss

Are you ready to start your journey? Book a call to learn more about the Dietitian Boss Group Coaching Program.