Alissa Rumsey is a Nutrition Therapist and Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor who believes that true health comes from nurturing behaviors to enhance physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing - not by following external food rules or a number on the scale. Alissa also runs biannual mastermind retreats for Registered Dietitians (like you!) and she does business coaching for Registered Dietitians who are starting up their practice.

In this episode, we cover:  How a recent photo that Alissa posted turned into a conversation on social media. How Alissa uses social media to serve the greater good Alissa’s goal for #womeneatingfood and how she wants it to impact people across the world Alissa’s tips for Registered Dietitians who are looking to make a global impact with their brand’s message Guest Resources: Connect with Alissa on Instagram Check out the controversial photo that Alissa posted on Instagram Go to the #womeneatingfood on Instagram Check out Alissa’s services for Registered Dietitians More Resources from Libby:

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