In this episode, Dietitian Boss Method creator and CEO Libby Rothschild and Dietitian Boss Kaly Valdes share her journey and private practice.

“ Finding a way to be concise is an art. Confidence in your ability, feeling good about your program helps hone your sales skills. Pick up what people want and need, and deliver it to them is a great communication skill that a lot of people struggle with.”

What you’ll learn from this episode:

Defining private practice. Knowing your audience. How mindset helps in achieving business growth. The importance of identifying your mindset. Tips for working full time.. How to make content that works. Time managing tips.

Connect with Kaly Valdes:

Instagram: kaly.weightloss.dietitian

Connect with Libby:

Instagram: @libbyrothschild | @dietitianboss  YouTube: Dietitian Boss

Are you ready to start your journey? Book a call to learn more about the Dietitian Boss Group Coaching program.