This is a common topic to be pimped on in Emergency Medicine.  This pathology is not uncommon, can manifest with varying signs and symptoms and is associated with a high mortality.  This topic is extremely important to understand, not only because of its occurrence rate and related mortality, but because the actions taken immediately in the Emergency […]

This is a common topic to be pimped on in Emergency Medicine.  This pathology is not uncommon, can manifest with varying signs and symptoms and is associated with a high mortality.  This topic is extremely important to understand, not only because of its occurrence rate and related mortality, but because the actions taken immediately in the Emergency Department can have a significant impact on patient course and outcome.

This topic is full of clinical pearls, interesting pharmacology, practical decision tools and my favorite…pseudoaxioms!

Quick Pimps: Acute GI Bleeding PDF Preview

Disclaimer: this cartoon is meant to say NG tubes are safe. Their efficacy is up for debate.