Postoperative fever is an extremely common finding and therefore an extremely common topic for med students to be pimped on. Fever is found in as many as 91% of post-op patients. It is most often benign and self-limited and a normal physiologic response to the trauma of surgery.  However it can be due to a variety […]

Postoperative fever is an extremely common finding and therefore an extremely common topic for med students to be pimped on. Fever is found in as many as 91% of post-op patients. It is most often benign and self-limited and a normal physiologic response to the trauma of surgery.  However it can be due to a variety of causes, some benign and some life threatening.

Ws mnemonic

POD 1-2: Wind– Pneumonia, Aspiration, PE (NOT ATELECTASIS…listen to podcast for more details)
POD 3-5: Water– UTI
POD ~5: Walking– DVT, PE
POD ~7: Wound– Surgical Site Infection
POD >7: What we did– Line infections of drug/blood product reactions at any time
POD >10: Wonder Where?- Deep Abcess

Causes of Postoperative Fever Podcast

Postoperative fever notes

Evaluating postoperative fever: A focused approach. By James C. Pile MD