This week, we've got a big one for you guys. We've been itching to do r/trashy for a long time now, as it's collectively one of our all-time favorites, but thanks to a new documentary about how Dupont is poisoning Dad's hometown, and a particularly controversial post from the Reddit front page, the time is nigh. r/trashy is on the surface, Reddit's greatest collection of hilariously ill-mannered people, living their best lives in the worst way possible. It's ultimately a celebration of all that encompasses an unapologetically trashy lifestyle, down to the leopard print banner. However, once you spend some time in this sacred place, you start to see that there's an undercurrent of classist commentary between the lines, and Redditors engaging in an important debate about whether someone pooping in the aisles of a Walmart catfood aisle is something we should make fun of, or critique as a reflection of our increasingly caste-divided America. Plus, u/dogboobes calls Jimmy Carter a little bitch, u/myfreeday almost marries into royal lineage at ASU, and we experience a true reddit random Goocher. We cannot express to you enough to go watch 'The Devil We Know' on Netflix.

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