In  this week's episode new writer OldLadyPlays, Luke, Ryan and FMTahiti cover some of the articles at

We talk in depth in particular about OldLadyPlays' article on treating players as people, and the benefits paying attention to dynamics and relationships can have. We talk also a little bit about applying that approach and Oblique Kick Gaming's CCL competition.

Ryan chats about the free FM time, the increase in numbers and the potential benefits of FM as we stay under some for of lockdown. With new players there is also time to consider some new content from the community. Whilst Luke is still watching Modern Family we talk about A FM Old Timer's stats laden blog with Milan, and the game changing benefits of The Female Football Manager's attribute spreadsheet (go donate and download!).

We field some questions about parking the bus, working from home, fail to give any good headset recommendations, and Ryan lets us know that the special ingredient in his pancakes is more than just love (it's MSG).

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