Exe is alone in the armies encampment, and Klementine in the sewers. Eyes track both of them, and what awaits cannot be good.


Wyler - DM
Shawn - Klementine
Brad - Exe


Music Used -

Kevin Macleod - www.incompetech.com

Vindsvept - https://vindsvept.bandcamp.com/

Royalty Free Zone - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCehIXMLpmRqDzqB5Ov89v5A


You can get in touch with us at - [email protected]


Podcast we recommend,

Gunpowder, Treason, No Plot - https://twitter.com/TreasonNo

Weal or Woe - https://twitter.com/Weal2e

Tales of Swordfall - https://twitter.com/SwordfallDnD

Cheaper by the Dungeon - https://twitter.com/CheaperDungeon

Flintlocks and Fireballs - https://twitter.com/FlintlocksDnD

The Dice Girls Podcast - https://twitter.com/TheDiceGirls

Chicks With Crits Podcast - https://twitter.com/chickswithcrits


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