Episode Notes

Diceratops Presents part EIGHT (not seven despite what I say in the recording) of our newest D&D Saga: Bed to the Bone! Jackwick and Mascara are facing the master of Craddick House, the dread Uncle George! Many secrets are revealed and surprises are surprised!

Featuring players Julz Burgisser and Thom Adams with game master Morgan Davie!

See Sammas's map on our official Diceratops webpage!

Diceratops bring tabletop role-playing games to the Wellington stage and beyond. We are comedians, improvisers, and game designers, and our shows are for everybody.

Get tickets for our shows at the Wellington Fringe Festival!

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Produced by Taleturn Media.

Featured music Fast Build Up Orchestra by Joshua Empyre (Creative Commons BY-3.0) and Epic Strings by tictac9 (Creative Commons 0), find both on freesound.org. Find more details on sounds used in our episodes here.

Find out more at https://diceratops-presents.pinecast.co

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