Holy crap, 50 episodes...

We actually did it, we are creeping closer to the number of EPisodes of NOVA Squadron Radio that we did, and whilst this is defiantly a distinctly different show, we think 50 episodes is quite a journey and are glad that you folks could come along for the ride with us! Join Ed, Chad, Sean & Kris for this episode where we chat for a little while and then Ed & Kris have a game of X-Wing using Randomly Generated Squads, make sure you leave us a comment on who you think had the better squad!

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Rember to jump on to the DiceHate Discord to chat with the cast and be a part of the awesome little community we have growing there;

Check out the Vod on YouTube:

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You can follow Kris on Twitter @KrisSherriff or on Instagram @dicehatekris