
A new version of Love Letter Catan is coming to the Switch Board games are the best way to learn science (article link: https://boardgamesforlearning.com/research-games-learn-science/) Special style of board games getting more popular (article link: https://www.komu.com/news/special-style-of-board-games-getting-more-popular)



Unpublished Prototype (Scramble for Africa) Sanctum The Lord of the Rings: Journeys in Middle-earth Dungeons and Dragons: Waterdeep, Dungeon of the Mad Mage Batman: Gotham City Chronicles Escape Plan


New/Upcoming Releases:

Jurassic Park: Danger! Bugs in the Kitchen Inuit: The Snow Folk The Rise and Fall of Anvalor Proving Grounds Planet



Kingdom Rush: Rift in Time Roam