The second day of Wondercon dawns as the factions start coming together

Anders makes a friend, Charlie takes some good pills, and Karl gets to drive.

Previous series referenced are: Our Call of Cthulhu Games (The Iron Overseer, The House in the Fog, and The Journal), You have one ability, the ability to fuck this up, and our Monster of the Week game, Disappearances in Cranberry. None of these are needed to understand the story, but elements of them show up for neat context.

Enemy Spotted is by Jess who you can find on twitter @ oneshotminiboss

Favorite Secrets is by Waylon Thornton and is licensed under Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States and is from Free Music Archive.

Thank you to Ray Kalladis for making our art, you can find her over at keylligraphyink on Twitter or The Art used for Wondercon Survival Guide is by Trinity Foskett who you can find on twitter @teatimewitch

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Cast and Crew:

MC: Eric
Charlie: Jess
Karl: Jeremy
Anders: Matt

You can find more about City of Mist here

About Us:

The Dice Fiends podcast is a live play Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition podcast featuring a wonderful cast of chuckle-friends. This group of Fiends are composed of an unlikely combination of people brought together by Dungeons and Dragons. We are a collaboration of D&D experts and D&D newbs, but most of all, we’re fiends for the sound of rolling dice

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