In the year since Wondercon, Yellow Sign Records has made moves to take over the city of Atlanta. It's up to three chucklefucks to stop them using a mysterious app.

Enemy Spotted is by Jess who you can find on twitter @ oneshotminiboss

Happy End is by Distember and is licensed under Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States and is from Free Music Archive.

Thank you to Ray Kalladis for making our art, you can find her over at keylligraphyink on Twitter or
Heartbeats in Perfect Sync is by Nathan Blades

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Cast and Crew:

MC: Waffle
Juniper: Lav
Ethan: Justin
Gale: Lillie

You can find more about Heartbeats in Perfect Sync here

About Us:

It started with a DnD one shot that became a two shot and then campaign. 4 years later we've run 25+ stand alone stories in over 20 different game systems, ranging from Shadowrun 6e to Himbo Treasure Hunt. Whether we're running the shadows of the sixth world or trying to save the local gym, one thing's for certain: We're fiends for the sound of rolling dice!

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