Do you ever turn up to teach a class and it’s the last thing you feel like doing?

Do you ever find yourself avoiding the stuff you know you need to do to grow your business as a  yoga teacher?

It’s easy to go for the “easy” route isnt it? 

It’s more comfortable to tell yourself you’ll do that thing you know needs doing when you’re less stressed/tired/cold or whatever other story you’re telling yourself is over?

And if you teach regular classes, it’s hard “showing up” with our best versions of ourselves despite the fact that you’re just not feeling it, when you’re a bit under the weather or there are things going on for you which make it hard to focus.

Life happens.

But “showing up” matters.

“Showing up” is what people notice.


And if it’s not consistent or genuine people KNOW – it affects how they see you; relate to you; treat you.

It can directly impact your business.

In this podcast I share why setting up  good habits, the right habits to show up in our business as we hopefully do on the mat, could make all the difference between struggle and ease and between building a sustainable yoga business and one that’s more like a roller coaster…

And if you’d like to know how I can help you thrive with a £2k to £4k regular monthly income teaching part time and using a strategy that works

Contact me @ [email protected] to find out more about the 12 week mentoring and coaching programme designed to support  you to do just that.

No pressure - not my style. Just real support to help you master some basic business principles, and build a sustainable income from teaching part time, to students in mid life or later years.