Onboarding is NOT a sexy topic but it is SO freaking important to the success of your business. When you neglect your onboarding process, you put your company at RISK for high turnover and employee churn. 

If you can’t keep butts in the seats, it’s harder to scale. Work falls back onto your plate, which makes you feel STUCK, overwhelmed and -- let’s be honest -- a little sad. 

In today’s episode you’ll hear:

- Why onboarding is “make-it-or-break it”

- How to prioritize what to give your new hire FIRST 

- The DOWNFALL of leaders that happens between weeks 4-8 of onboarding

- The importance of lived and demonstrated VALUES to increase retention

- Tips for REDUCING uncertainty beyond the initial start-up phase

- This episode also includes a special $100-off coupon of our signature Onboarding Success Kit

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