Are you tired of being in the weeds of your business? Do you spend all day separating the forest from the trees… when you want to be in the clouds casting vision?

Let’s stop with the bullshit cliches for a second, so I can ask you what you’re really wondering: “do I need to be the one doing this shit?” 

In today’s episode, we discuss: 

Why you’re too much of the wrong thing in your business How to recognize when you’re being pulled into work that isn’t the best use of your time or talents A simple trick — that requires a sticky note — to talk you into delegating more often Delegation is not about getting rid of tasks…it’s about creating the capacity to do more of what you want to do. 

Here are other resources I mention: 

Dan Martell of SaaS Academy “The Strategic Thinking Manifesto” by Rich Horwath 

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If you like this episode, you may be interested in:

FREE: 50 Things to Outsource to an EA
Why You Should Still Delegate Even When You Can Do It All (Episode 42)
Decide: What to Delegate (Season 2, Episode 23)
The Real Reasons You’re Not Delegating Work (Season 2, Episode 17)
How to Set Clear Delegation Goals with Your Executive Assistant (Season 3, Episode 8)
Detach: Empower Your Team (Season 2, Episode 26)
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