We all have that note on our phones. You know, the one full of “million-dollar ideas”. It seems, day after day, they never make it beyond the screen. What is holding you back from making moves on one of those ideas? 

Before we launch ourselves into a new venture, planning seems to be the first step. It can be challenging to know where to start, what to focus on, and what decisions to make, especially at the beginning.

Today’s episode will finally help you put some of those ideas to paper. Now, I am not going to get into the nitty-gritty; that is for you to work through. I am going to share six key recommendations to help you incorporate adaptability, be systematic and disciplined, and know if something is a fleeting interest or a legitimate commitment. Not all of our ideas will work out, and now you can learn how to focus on the ones that can.

In this episode, you will hear how to:

#1 - Incorporate Adaptability
#2 - Plan conservatively
#3 - Hire talent with the long term value
#4 - Be systematic and disciplined
#5 - Implement scorecards
#6 - Decide if you are interested or committed
PLUS a bonus #7, so be sure to listen to the entire episode!