2021. Feels good to say that finally. Last year challenged all of us in ways that we never thought possible, and with only 10 days left in this sh*t show of a year, I can definitely say that I am glad to look towards better days ahead. 

However, with a flip of the calendar, things won’t automatically change. What does this new year look like for leaders? How can you keep your company afloat and morale high, while making massive changes during this “phase of disruption?’

My mindset for this year is simply one word; renew. Renew my health, my obligations, and my goals. I want to invite you to renew with me, and in this podcast, we will navigate, together, ways that you can lead with strength in this new year.

In this episode, you will hear:

What have I been up to over the last few months? Mindset for the new year (hint: it’s renew) Five ways to lead with strength in the new year I challenge you - do you have what it takes?