Adopted, transracial families stick out wherever they go. No matter where they are, their family’s racial makeup will always prompt curiosity in others. People will stare. You will get questions. Kids will make offhanded comments. People will offer unsolicited advice. But how should you respond in these situations? Are you obligated to give everyone your family’s life story? Should you keep everyone at arm’s length?


Join Michael and Christy today as they share about a time when someone thought Christy was kidnapping her own children during an epic meltdown in Kroger. Plus, they’ll help you think through how to respond to people’s curiosity concerning your conspicuous family.


Connect with Michael:

Facebook – @MichaelPritchard901

Instagram – @MichaelPritchard901


Connect with Christy:

Facebook – @ChristyPritchard901

Instagram – @ChristyPritchard901