
An ode to the art of drying flowers.

In the latest episode here, available today, I talked to Bex Partridge, a floral artist who you may have come across on instagram as @botanical_tales. She recently published her first book:  Everlastings.

In this interview she talks about her creative practice in great detail: all aspects of growing, foraging and drying flowers.  I asked her what the word everlastings meant to her. What she responded to that question is one of the reasons what makes this episode a great one to listen to! There are lots of gems here in this episode worth hearing.

Bex’s website and Instagram

Order a copy of her book: Everlastings from here.

Recommended books by Bex  in this episode:

Wilding - Isabella TreeWild about Weeds - Jack Wallington

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The music for the podcast is by Band of Burns ‘Now Westlin Winds’ song that was recorded live at Union Chapel in 2017. I used this song with the band’s permission.

Band of Burns on instagram here and their website is here: https://www.bandofburns.com/

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